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Trickle Insertion With Clustered Columnstore Indexes

Sunil Agarwal provides a pattern for trickle loading clustered columnstore indexes:

A traditional scenario of loading data into CCI is a nightly load from one or more data files containing millions of rows. Recommended technique is to load the data with batchsize >= 102400 as explained However, we are seeing many scenarios where data source is parallel data stream (i.e. trickle insert) to be loaded to CCI for analytics, a typical IOT scenario. CCI allows concurrent data streams into the same delta rowgroup. However, you will see higher page latch contention as you increase the concurrency. You may wonder why this is so? Well, each delta RG is organized internally as a clustered btree index and the dataload follows the pattern of monotonically increasing clustered index key causing latch contention on the last page.

Check out Sunil’s post.  I also have an older post covering my experiences with CCI trickle loads and three ETL patterns which can work.