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Row Width And Snapshot Isolation

Kendra Little shows us the impact that row width has on snapshot isolation:

So I went to work to demonstrate row width impact on the version store — when only a tiny bit column is changed in the row.

Here’s how I did the test:

  • I created two tables, dbo.Narrow and dbo.Wide. They each each have a bit column named bitsy, along with some other columns.
  • I inserted one row in each table, but I put a lot more data into the row in dbo.Wide.
  • I allowed snapshot isolation on the database
  • I began a transaction in another session under snapshot isolation and left the transaction open (so version store cleanup wouldn’t kick in while I looked around)
  • I updated the bit column named bitsy for the single row in each table, thereby generating a row-version in tempdb for each table

The code I ran to test this is here, if you’d like to play around with it.

Read on for the results.