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VLFs: How Many Are Too Many?

Randolph West looks at a baseline for the maximum number of Virtual Log Files for a database:

In a transaction log with too many or too few VLFs we might experience performance issues under a normal workload, as well as during the backup and restore process.

So what is the “right” amount? In customer engagements, I follow a guideline proposed by Glenn Berry of in his Diagnostic Information Queries, to keep the number of VLFs at or below 200. In my opinion, any number higher than that is cause for concern.

On the other hand, Brent Ozar Unlimited has a popular script called sp_Blitz which proposes a maximum VLF count of 1000. To Brent, a number higher than that is cause for concern.

I tend toward the lower number, but if you have a smoothly-functioning environment and some databases have 700 or 900 VLFs, I probably wouldn’t give it a second thought.