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Jitter In Power BI Charts

Rob Collie shows how to incorporate jitter in Power BI scatter charts:

Now, sometimes you may WANT multiple rows to combine into one dot, but in this particular case, I want to see each row of my source data as its own dot.

When adding a new calculated column, there are LOTS of ways to uniquely “stamp” each row with its own distinct value.  I could do this in DAX, but it would require concatenating/combining enough columns together (in this case, probably [Game #], [Qtr], and [Time], since no two rows can “happen” at the same time in the same game.

But for other reasons that you will see shortly, I need the unique identifier to be a number, and I don’t want to go through the contortions of converting text values to numeric, plus as you can see, the data is incomplete in the [Time] column (lots of blanks).

There’s a lot here, and the end result is a great addition to your Power BI toolbelt.  But as I’m reading Rob’s post, I’m thinking about how much easier it is to do some of this with ggplot2.