David Fowler has an example of how DBAs can use Python to do something interesting:
There are plenty of times when you might want to copy your SQL logins (including the SID) from one server to another. Perhaps you’re running an AG and need to make sure that all users exist on all your secondaries with the correct SID, perhaps you’re migrating servers and need all the logins on your new server. Whatever the reason, there are a number of different ways in which you can do this but they usually require scripting out on one server and then running the script into another server, or of course there’s Powershell.
The below script will use Python to copy all or specified logins from one server to another, including the password and SID.
Click through for the script. The main use case for a SQL Server DBA to learn Python as a DBA scripting language would be if you run SQL on Linux—I don’t think Powershell on Linux is far enough developed to handle the full range of DBA tasks. Otherwise, I’d use Powershell and dbatools.