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Promises And Closures In R

Damian Rodziewicz looks at the new promises package in R:

Citing Joe Cheng, our aim is to:

  1. Execute long-running code asynchronously on separate thread.
  2. Be able to do something with the result (if success) or error (if failure), when the task completes, back on the main R thread.

A promise object represents the eventual result of an async task. A promise is an R6 object that knows:

  1. Whether the task is running, succeeded, or failed

  2. The result (if succeeded) or error (if failed)

This looks pretty exciting.  H/T R-Bloggers

Also, Sebastian Warnholz has a post on promises and closures in case you’re not familiar with the concepts:

Every argument you pass to a function is a promise until the moment R evaluates it. Consider a function g with arguments x and y. Let’s leave out one argument in the function call:

g <- function(x, y) x

## [1] 1

R will be forgiving (lazy) until the argument y is actually needed. Until then y exists in the environment of the function call as a ‘name without a value’. Only when R needs to evaluate y a value is searched for. This means that we can pass some non-existent objects as arguments to the function g and R won’t care until the argument is needed in the functions body.

Read the whole thing.  Once again, H/T R-Bloggers