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Making a Shiny Dashboard

Anish Sing Walia walks us through creating a dashboard using Shiny:

Shiny is an amazing R package which lets the R developers and users build amazing web apps using R itself. It lets the R users analyze, visualize and deploy their machine learning models directly in the form of the web app. This package lets you host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R markdown documents or build dashboards and various forecasting applications. You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions. Shiny lets us write client-side front-end code in R itself and also lets users write server-side script in R itself. More details on this package can be found here.

I recently learned Shiny and started developing a web application using it.And since then I have been in love with it and have been using it in each and every data science and analytics project. The syntax is super easy to understand and there are lots of amazing articles and documentation available for you to learn it and use it. I personally had a background of developing full-stack web applications using HTML, CSS and javascript and other JS based scripting languages so I found the syntax easy.

I keep meaning to learn Shiny and someday I will, just to prove to my intern that she’s not the only one here who can…

One Comment

  1. Ting
    Ting 2017-10-31

    Cool! :):):)

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