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Reasons For Using Docker With R

Jeroen Ooms gives us a few reasons why we might want to containerize our R-based products:

The flagship of the OpenCPU system is the OpenCPU server: a mature and powerful Linux stack for embedding R in systems and applications. Because OpenCPU is completely open source we can build and ship on DockerHub. A ready-to-go linux server with both OpenCPU and RStudio can be started using the following (use port 8004 or 80):

docker run -t -p 8004:8004 opencpu/rstudio

Now simply open http://localhost:8004/ocpu/ and http://localhost:8004/rstudio/ in your browser! Login via rstudio with user: opencpu (passwd: opencpu) to build or install apps. See the readme for more info.

This is in the context of one particular product, but the reasons fit other scenarios too.  H/T R-Bloggers