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The Market For IoT Analytics

Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan tells a story for T-SQL Tuesday:

At the time in Rehfeld R&D, we experimented with making Effektor a metadata repository for a Hadoop data warehouse, where instead of generating tables and ETL processes in the different data warehouse layers, the synchronization engine in the product would generate the Hive objects on top of Hadoop tables. We never made more than an overall spec and a prototype, but the experiment gave us some insight into the technologies around Hadoop.

Around that time, Phillips released the Hue lightbulbs, and our COO bought us two packs to play with. The idea was to create a physical BI dashboard, where lightbulbs would display KPIs, and change color according to its value and the KPI threshold. I still think that was a brilliant idea, and I would love to see more use of consumer electronics in enterprise BI.

His basic maturity model makes sense; as much as I really want to disagree with the maturity model, I can’t.  Good read.