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Errors Using Native Prediction In SQL Server

Sacha Tomey walks us through a few potential issues when converting code which uses SQL Server Machine Learning Services’s sp_execute_external_script procedure to native PREDICT calls:

Stumble One:

Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x80004001. 
Model type is unsupported.


Not all models are supported. At the time of writing, only the following models are supported:

  • rxLinMod
  • rxLogit
  • rxBTrees
  • rxDtree
  • rxdForest

sp_rxPredict supports additional models including those available in the MicrosoftML package for R (I was using attempting to use rxFastTrees). I presume this limitation will reduce over time. The list of supported models is referenced in the PREDICT function (Documentation).

sp_rxPredict does require CLR, but it’s a viable alternative if you need to use a model not currently supported—like rxNeuralNet.