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Automatic Retry With Optimistic Concurrency

Vladimir Khorikov explains an anti-pattern when dealing with a model using optimistic concurrency (for example, memory-optimized tables):

Alright, back to the original question. So, how to combine optimistic locking and automatic retry? In other words, when the application gets an error from the database saying that the versions of a Product don’t match, how to retry the same operation again?

The short answer is: nohow. You don’t want to do that because it defeats the very purpose of having an optimistic lock in the first place.

Remember that the locking mechanism is a way to ensure that all changes are taken into consideration when changing a record in the database. In other words, someone should review the new version of the record and make an informed decision as to whether they still want to submit the update. And that should be the same client who originated the initial request, you can’t make that decision for them.

Plenty of systems do this sort of data merging automatically, but I get Vladimir’s point:  if someone else pulled the rug out from under you, it might change your decision on what that data should look like.