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tSQLt And VS Database Tests

Gavin Campbell combines tSQLt along with a Visual Studio database test project:

There are a few ways of getting the tSQLt objects deployed to where they are needed for testing, the way I use most often is basically this one, whereby we create a .dacpac of just the tSQLt objects (or use one we made earlier!), and create a second database project with a Database Reference of type “Same Database” to the project we are trying to test, and a reference to our tSQLt .dacpac. The .dacpac file needs to be somewhere in our source folders, as it will be added by path. We also need a reference to the master database, as this is required to build the tSQLt project.

I see the two tools as serving completely different purposes:  tSQLt is a decent unit test framework, whereas a Visual Studio database project is a decent integration test framework.  It’s interesting that Gavin was able to combine them here but aside from having a common test runner, my inclination would be to keep them separated.