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New E-Mail Course For Unit Testing T-SQL Code

Ed Elliott has a free e-mail course available to learn how to use tSQLt:

Unit testing helps us to write better code, make rapid changes to our code and has been generally seen as a good idea for about 10 years. Writing tests for T-SQL code is made much easier by using tSQLt but there is quite a high barrier to entry both in terms of the technical skills in getting tSQLt running and also how to approach large code bases of, sometimes, unfriendly T-SQL code and taming the code with unit tests.

I have successfully unit tested T-SQL code in a number of different environments including clean greenfield environments as well as legacy projects and I have written this course to help people get started with unit testing but also help them to turn unit testing into a part of their development process that they can use everyday to improve the quality of their work and the speed at which deployments can be made.

Click through to sign up.