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Monthly Job Run Time Averages

Tywan Terrell has a script to see how his monthly SQL Agent jobs are performing in terms of average run time:

Sometime as a ETL developer or Database Administrator you will need to gain insight into SQL Agent job executions times. This  insight can be used to proactively monitor the processing times of the various jobs running within your data environment.

Information about jobs execution times is stored in the MSDB database in table sysjobhistory. This table has the start time and the run duration times which I have used to create a report that will show the average job start and end times by month for all jobs running on a instance of SQL Server.

This is a very useful start.  If I start counting on this data, I’d do two things:  first, save it somewhere else permanently (because you want to clear out SQL Agent job history occasionally so the GUI doesn’t choke when you try to view job history); and second, look more at percentiles, particularly 95th and 99th percentiles for frequently-running jobs.