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Batch Mode Adaptive Query Memory Feedback

Niko Neugebauer talks about an upcoming performance improvement for batch mode operations with columnstore indexes:

This adjustment might take place based of the inedequacy of the estimated number of rows (which is based on the statistics available at the time of the execution time generation) related to the real execution number of rows that the iterator/query is processing.
The 2 possible adjustment scenarios are:
– when estimated number of rows is too high and the memory is granted to the query, even though the query itself will not use it.
– when estimated number of rows is too low and the memory operations such as hashing or sorting will not have enough space to fit the complete data sets, thus making them spill on to the TempDB (temporary storing the data while doing the work, based on the lacking of the available memory to the query).

Read on for details, but one interesting caveat is that this doesn’t change anything for the first run; it only updates requests on subsequent runs, so it benefits most from consistent workloads with significant plan re-use.  That said, it looks extremely useful.