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.NET Producer For Kafka

I build a simple .NET console app to push messages to a Kafka topic:

That’s the core of our code.  The main function instantiates a new Kafka producer and gloms onto the Flights topic.  From there, we call the loadEntries function.  The loadEntries function takes a topic and filename.  It streams entries from the 2008.csv file and uses the ParallelSeq library to operate in parallel on data streaming in (one of the nice advantages of using functional code:  writing thread-safe code is easy!).  We filter out any records whose length is zero—there might be newlines somewhere in the file, and those aren’t helpful.  We also want to throw away the header row (if it exists) and I know that that starts with “Year” whereas all other records simply include the numeric year value.  Finally, once we throw away garbage rows, we want to call the publish function for each entry in the list.  The publish function encodes our text as a UTF-8 bytestream and pushes the results onto our Kafka topic.

All this plus a bonus F# pitch.