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Parallel Maintenance Tasks

Jonathan Kehayias shows how to parallelize Ola’s maintenance tasks using Service Broker:

With that setup, now we need to build an activation stored procedure to process the messages from the queue and perform the operations generated by Ola’s scripts.  At first I thought that this would be pretty straightforward, but it actually required a fair amount of additional logic to prevent poison messages and queue deactivation from occurring when multiple online index rebuilds were attempted on the same table.  When this occurs the engine raises Error 1912:

Could not proceed with index DDL operation on %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because it conflicts with another concurrent operation that is already in progress on the object. The concurrent operation could be an online index operation on the same object or another concurrent operation that moves index pages like DBCC SHRINKFILE.

which causes the XACT_STATE() of the operation to become –1, which only allows the transaction processing the command to be rolled back, leading to a poison message within Service Broker.  So to mitigate against that I had to add in a check against sys.dm_tran_locks for any ALTER_INDEX command to identify if a conflicting lock is currently being held and if it is then we just requeue the message and increment the retry count held within the message so that we can incrementally back-off attempting to run the command each time it encounters a conflicting lock using a WAITFOR.  Since Ola’s scripts log the command type, database name, object name, and command to be executed to the CommandLog table in the master database, all we need to queue in our message is the ID of the command to be processed by Service Broker, and we can get the rest of the pertinent information from the CommandLog table directly.  As a part of each tasks execution in our activation stored procedure we will also update the StartTime and EndTime of the operation for historical trending of execution durations.

This is a clever use of Service Broker, and I’m glad Jonathan shared his code.  Also check out his Pluralsight course for another good use of Service Broker.