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Mapping German Postal Codes With R

Achim Rumberger shows how to map German postal codes using R:

Just at this time Ari published his webinar about getting shape files into R. Which also includes a introduction to shape files to get you going, if you are new to it, as I am. I remembered Ari from his mail course introducing his great R-package (choroplethr). By the way this is a terrible name, being a biologist by heart, I always type “chloroplethr”, as in “chlorophyll”, and this is not found by the R package manager. [Editor’s note: I agree!]

Next question, where do I get the shapefiles, describing Germany? A major search engine was of great help here. . Germany has some 8700 zip code areas, so expect some time for rendering the file, if you do on your computer. Right on this side one can also find a dataset which might act as a useful warm up practice to display statistical data in a geographical context. Other sources are

This is really cool.