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Category: Tools

Buy that Keyboard

Andy Levy shares some good advice:

The holidays have passed and it’s a new year. You probably have a gift card or two and haven’t decided how to use it yet. Allow me to help:

Buy that fancy keyboard you’ve been coveting. Yes, the $100+ model. And get the good mouse/trackball while you’re at it. Just do it.

Back in my formative days, I would often get the cheapest keyboard and mouse to add a little “budget” flair to my custom PC builds. But nowadays, I highly recommend against that approach for the same reasons Andy does. A $100 keyboard isn’t guaranteed to be better than a $50 keyboard, but they’re both typically going to be better than a $10 keyboard. And if you have a nice enough computer store around, go try some of these out and see what fits best. I love mechanical keyboards—especially when I had the chance to annoy the people around me with a buckling spring keyboard—and there are a variety of types with different required levels of pressure. Do a little digging and find the keyboard and mouse that work best for you.

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Useful Operations in dbatools

Rod Edwards shows off some nice functionality in dbatools:

I often build solutions around the dbatools functions, the below is just some of my Operational favourites. With some I’ve included the output pipe that I use most frequently, but obviously, you can view and use the output however you choose to. Clearly, DBATools has many functions to add/remove/update SQL as well, but i’m just folking on the ‘gets’ here.

Naturally, as mentioned…its powershell, you can programmatically use this for any of your automation needs. Marvellous.

The ever growing list of commands can be found here: command index – dbatools . This can prove daunting to new users of the toolset, so here’s a starter for 10.

Click through for those 10.

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Tokenizing SQL Queries

Phil Factor has a new script:

Imagine this: you have several directories full of SQL script files, and you need to know where a certain table is used. You’d rather like the context too, so you can check the whole SQL Expression and work out why it is running so slowly. Maybe, from that same daunting set of several directories, you need to search for a comment, either end of line, or block comment, perhaps structured. It could be that you just need to execute each query or statement in turn to check performance.

It’s not unusual to want to search just within strings. Although simple searches can be effective, you will at some point need a tool that is able to recognise and return a collection of strings representing the SQL code, divided up into the respective components of the SQL language.

For this article, we’ll use a PowerShell cmdlet, called Tokenize-SQLString, which is in my GitHub repository.

Read on for examples of how it works and the types of things you can do with it.

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Script Comparison with kdiff3

Steve Jones is speaking my language:

I had a customer recently ask if SQL Compare could show them the differences in two scripts they’ve written. They weren’t using version control (tsk, tsk, shame), but saw SQL Compare and the “Scripts folder” option. This isn’t used for random scripts, but I do have a better solution: KDiff3.

KDiff is an old project that is used to analyze multiple files and merge the differences. There is an archived SoundForge location, but the more modern version is here. That’s the current code location, and you can see the readme for details. To get started, download and install it.

I remember (cue “Pepperidge Farms Remembers” meme) back when kdiff3 was only available in KDE. That’s when I first learned of it, and ever since there was a Windows port, I’ve been a dedicated user. Yes, it’s an old tool, but it works really well.

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SQL Compare at the Command Line

Steve Jones is resting his mouse-clicking finger:

Recently a customer was looking to automate some of their SQL Compare checks, but they wanted to do this in a dynamic way, since they needed to do this at scale. Their idea was to not have a SQL Compare project, but build a mapping at the command line.

This post addresses a part of their issue. This will look at how to set up a basic SQL Compare command line.

Read on to see how. This is something I did a while back as well, though it was quite a while ago (say, 8-9 years ago) and required us to do some DLL weirdness back then. Once we got it working, however, it did a good job.

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New Release: Power BI VS Code Extension

Gerhard Brueckl has been busy:

I am working a lot with Power BI in my daily business and there have always been a couple of things that bothered me since the very beginning. Most of this is related to the web UI and its usability, mainly that you need too many clicks to get to where you want (e.g. viewing Datasets refreshes) but also that some features are simply not exposed in the UI that are possible with the Power BI REST APIs (e.g. rebinding a report to another dataset). So I thought there must be some better way to do this and make management and usability of Power BI easier and I came up with the idea for a Visual Studio Code extension for Power BI to close this gap.

Read on to see how it works, how you can get it, and what Gerhard has in mind for it over the short term.

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