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Category: Administration

tempdb Usage and Recommendations

Chad Callihan has a two-parter for us. First up is a look at tempdb usage:

The tempdb database in SQL Server holds a little bit of everything over its existence. There can be the temporary tables that you created, work tables like spools that SQL Server creates, version store data, and much more in tempdb at any time.

Is your tempdb having a hard time keeping up with the workload on your SQL Server? How can you find out what is using tempdb the most?

Chad also recommends picking the right number of files for tempdb:

We just made it through Thanksgiving dinner and there’s another big Christmas dinner coming up in few weeks. Sometimes you might find that one plate is not enough to hold all of that food. Just as multiple plates can make big dinners easier to manage, multiple tempdb data files can make the SQL Server workload easier to manage.

Read on to see how to track and modify this setting.

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Tracking Value Changes in SQL Server

Tomas Zika wants to track a change:

This time a colleague from work asked how to best find a culprit that has been changing a specific cell in a table. It could be an automated process, application logic, application user or even an ad-hoc statement – we didn’t know. The table has many different access patterns, some of which are frequent. Ideally, we don’t want to monitor everything and sift through it.

We wanted to learn the who, the how and then ask why? If you like to know the whole journey, read on. Otherwise, you can skip to section Eureka moment

Click through for the Eureka moment. It is important to embrace the power of “and.”

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Checking Guest Account Status

Tom Collins does not want guests barging into SQL Server unannounced:

A common  SQL Server Security check is to identify if the  guest id is enabled.        By default  , the SQL Server  guest id is disabled , but for various reasons it can become enabled. 

To identify the guest status you can either use the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or through SQL code. 

Click through to see how. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a use case for having the guest account enabled on a SQL Server instance.

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Managing Spark on Kubernetes instead of YARN

Rohit Choudhary argues that it’s a good idea to move from YARN to Kubernetes for your Spark clusters:

When it comes to data operations, Spark provides a tremendous advantage as a resource for data operations because it aligns with the things that make data ops valuable. It is optimized for machine learning and AI, which are used for batch processing (in real-time and at scale), and it is adept at operating within different types of environments.

Spark doesn’t completely manage these clusters of machines but instead uses a cluster manager (known as a scheduler). Most companies have traditionally used the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-based Hadoop YARN to manage their clusters. But with the dramatic rise of Kubernetes and cloud-native computing, many organizations are moving away from YARN to Kubernetes to manage their Spark clusters. Spark on Kubernetes is even now generally available since the Apache Spark 3.1 release in March 2021.

I see some of the benefits there but am not totally sold, especially given the complexity of Kubernetes and its own lack of built-in security measures.

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Logging Database Scoped Configuration Changes

Jonathan Kehayias wants to know what changes you’ve made:

The introduction of DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATIONS in SQL Server 2016 enabled different configuration settings at the individual database level. However, there is no logging of changes to the database scoped settings by default in SQL Server, making it nearly impossible to track down when a change was made and by who. After recently working on a client problem where performance issues were attributed to a DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION of MAXDOP = 1 multiple times, I decided to create a DDL trigger for the ALTER_DATABASE_SCOPED_CONFIGURATION events in SQL Server to have it log the change to the ERRORLOG file similar to the one I wrote years ago for logging Extended Event session changes.

Click through for the definition of that trigger.

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Error Messages during Change Tracking Cleanup

Lee Markum troubleshoots some error messages:

You’re a data professional and you’re trying to keep up with patching a wide range of SQL Server versions and editions. How do you know what’s in the CU and whether you should apply it or not? My favorite way to read up on CUs is to go to SQLServerUpdates and click around there.  It will take you to the latest CU pages as well as give you a way to see previous CUs that are available.

While doing this recently, I discovered this for CU 26 on SQL Server 2017.

These sorts of regressions do slip in, so keep an eye on them before (and after) upgrading. Lee gives us a concreate example of one in a recent CU of SQL Server 2017.

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Managed Instance Failover Groups

Arun Sirpal takes us through Azure SQL Managed Instance failover groups:

If you have been following me for a while you will know that I really like the Fail over groups within Azure SQL DB and it is no different to when applying it to Managed Instances. If you want a rock-solid DR plan, this is the way forward.

Remember it’s an abstraction layer on top of the active geo-replication feature, before this we had to do a lot of manual one to one database setups but now this feature simplifies deployment and management of geo-replicated databases at scale. You can initiate failover manually or automatically if there is a massive failure (researching this topic this could mean things from memory leaks to wrong network cables cut during routine hardware decommissioning – you never know, it could happen so plan for it)

Click through to see how to set this up and what failover looks like.

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Fill Factor and When It Matters

Raul Gonzalez has a confession to make:

I love SQL Server internals, I do and I just said it.

Why? because thanks to all the tools, documentation and community members that share their knowledge, folks like me can understand how a super complex piece of software like a relational database engine works (or at least a small part of it).

Click through for a discussion of fill factor and one area where Raul thinks it falls short. I’m not sure that I agree but would need to think about it to give a clear explanation as to why.

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Viewing Site-to-Site VPN Logs in Azure

Denny Cherry troubleshoots a site-to-site VPN issue:

Recently I needed to view the logs from an Azure Site to Site VPN to see why it wasn’t working as expected. When Azure Site to Site VPNs aren’t working as expected the GUI falls apart quickly for troubleshooting.

Log Analytics is where this problem gets solved. Log Analytics is going to allow you to see basically everything that the Azure Network Gateway is doing. Setting the feed up to Log Analytics isn’t as straightforward as it could be, but it is documented in this post.

Read on for some sample queries.

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