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Month: June 2017

Wiggle Room Files

David Klee shows one tactic for running out of disk space, in this case on an ESXi host:

Sometimes this task is harder than it sounds. If your SAN is out of space, or the SAN management tools are out of your control, you could be stuck.

But… follow a simple trick to give yourself that last little bit of wiggle room in the event that a snapshot fills a datastore.

Add a large text file to the root of the datastore that you can delete if you need headroom! I know it sounds too simple… but it’s simple and effective.

Filed under “old but good.”

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Formula.Firewall In Power Query

Chris Webb explains when you might get a Formula.Firewall error in Power BI or Power Query:

The important difference here is that there is now one step in this query instead of two: the query and the filtering take place in the same step. Even more importantly, regardless of the data privacy settings, the query fails with the error:

Formula.Firewall: Query ‘DimDate With Native Query Single Step Fails’ (step ‘Source’) references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination.

The problem here is that the Power Query engine is not allowed to access two different data sources originating from different queries in the same step – as far as I understand it this is because it makes it too hard for the engine to work out whether a step connects to a data source or not, and so which data privacy rules should be applied.

This is an interesting downside to putting in complex data privacy rules.

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Using AWS Database Migration Service

Derik Hammer shows how to move a SQL Server instance into AWS Relational Database Services (RDS):

Like most wizards in the world, this one begins with a welcome page. One important piece of information that is provided, however, is the tip about using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool. The conversion tool is most useful for heterogeneous migrations, such as Oracle to RDS Microsoft SQL Server. This demonstration is using homogeneous data platforms; therefore, it is not needed.

It does seem pretty easy to do.

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Biml Global Directives

Ben Weissman discusses a new directive in Biml:

One of the awesome new features in Biml is a new directive called “global”! It does exactly, what you would expect it to do: it allows you to add code to all or some of your Biml files at once.

Here is an example: This file with only 2 lines will make VB your default language across your entire solution!

I’d prefer an F# global directive, myself…  But this looks like a very useful addition to Biml.

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Polybase In Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Simon Whiteley loves Polybase as much as I do:

“Polybase is by far the fastest way to import/export data from SQLDW. If you’re loading any reasonably sized data volume, you should be using Polybase”

That’s not a quote – I just thought it would be more impactful looking like one!

For those of a traditional “Big Data” background, Polybase is essentially the same as an external Hive table, embedded into a traditional relational database.

For everyone else – Polybase is a special kind of SQL table. It looks like a table, it has columns and you can run normal T-SQL on it. However, instead of holding any data locally, your query is converted into map-reduce jobs against flat files – even those in sub-folders. For me, this is mind-bogglingly cool – you can query thousands of files at once by typing “select * from dbo.myexternaltable”.

Simon also covers limitations in Polybase:

Push-down predicates

This one is a biggie – if you’re querying over a whole range of flat files that are organised into [YEAR]/[MONTH] folders, for example, you should be able to write a query like the following:

SELECT * FROM dbo.MyExternalTable WHERE [YEAR] > 2016

This filter would be pushed down to the polybase engine and tell it to ignore any files that have been vertically partitioned outside of our chosen range. Instead, all files are read and returned to the SQL Server engine and the filtering is done in-memory on the returned dataset. This is obviously hugely inefficient in some cases – especially when you’re using Polybase as a data loading mechanism. This feature is available in HIVE tables and you can do it in U-SQL – hopefully it’s only a matter of time before a similar feature is implemented here.

It’s an interesting look at Polybase, focusing on Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

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Fun With Temp Tables

Kenneth Fisher answers a Brent Ozar pop quiz regarding temp tables:

Go ahead and give it a shot .. I’ll wait.

So? What do you think? Did you get it right? I did, but I wasn’t 100% certain, nor did I initially think through all of the implications. The question actually has more depth to it than you might think on the surface. So I thought it would be fun to go through what I was thinking before I made my decision, what actually happens, and what I realized afterward.

Read on for the answers.  For bonus fun, check out Brent’s comment to the post.

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Ditching IsNumeric()

Phil Factor on the IsNumeric() function:

IsNumeric() is actually answering the question ‘Can this string be converted or ‘cast’ to a numeric datatype by SQL Server?’ It is pretty good at getting this answer right but it doesn’t tell you which datatype. It also isn’t interested in such things as overflow.

This problem of IsNumeric() was solved in SQL Server 2012. There was no way of morphing IsNumeric() intro something more valuable, so Try_Cast(), Try_Parse(), and Try_Convert() were introduced. The introduction of these system functions really solve the problem, unless you are still on earlier versions than SQL Server 2012. I’ll show how to do the same thing in previous versions of SQL Server, and demonstrates one or two tricks you can do with these functions.

I’ll stick with the post-2012 version, please.

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CSV Import Speeds With H2O

WenSui Liu benchmarks three CSV loading methods in R:

The importFile() function in H2O is extremely efficient due to the parallel reading. The benchmark comparison below shows that it is comparable to the read.df() in SparkR and significantly faster than the generic read.csv().

I’d wonder if there are cases where this would vary significantly; regardless, for reading a large data file, parallel processing does tend to be faster.

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Linear Prediction Confidence Region Flare-Out

John Cook explains why the confidence region of a tracked object flares out instead of looking conical (or some other shape):

Suppose you’re tracking some object based on its initial position x0 and initial velocity v0. The initial position and initial velocity are estimated from normal distributions with standard deviations σx and σv. (To keep things simple, let’s assume our object is moving in only one dimension and that the distributions around initial position and velocity are independent.)

The confidence region for the object flares out over time, something like the bell of a trumpet.

Read on for the explanation.

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Building Random Number Ranges

David Fowler shows how to generate a random number for each record in a result set:

Hmmmmm…. It looks like we’ve got the same number for every person, that wasn’t what we wanted.  And that’s my issue with RAND(), it’ll give you a different random number every time it runs but if run as part of a query it’ll always return the same number for every row returned.

So what else can we do?  We’ll there is something that gives us a ‘random’ value for every row in the query and that’s our good old friend NEWID().  Let’s try the same query but this time we’ll swap RAND() with NEWID().

One major use case for this is sampling data sets for model training and testing:  if you pull from a range of 1-10, you could perhaps train against 1-5, cross-validate against 6-7, and test against 8-10.  Doing this instead of TOP X% reduces the likelihood of sampling bias.

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