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Hadley Wickham announces dbplyr version 1.1.0:

Since you’ve read this far, I also wanted to touch on RStudio’s vision for databases. Many analysts have most of their data in databases, and making it as easy as possible to get data out of the database and into R makes a huge difference. Thanks to the community, R already has strong tools for talking to the popular open source databases. But support for connecting to enterprise databases and solving enterprise challenges has lagged somewhat. At RStudio we are actively working to solve these problems.

As well as dbplyr and DBI, we are working on many other pain points in the database ecosystem. You’ll hear much more about these packages in the future, but I wanted to touch on the highlights so you can see where we are heading. These pieces are not yet as integrated as they should be, but they are valuable by themselves, and we will continue to work to make a seamless database experience, that is as good as (or better than!) any other environment.

There’s some very interesting vision talk at the end, showing how Wickham and the RStudio group are dedicated to enterprise-grade R.