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Building Graph Tables

Tomaz Kastrun uses a set of e-mails as his SQL Server 2017 graph table data source:

To put the graph database to the test, I took bunch of emails from a particular MVP SQL Server distribution list (content will not be shown and all the names will be anonymized). On my gmail account, I have downloaded some 90MiB of emails in mbox file format. With some python scripting,  only FROM and SUBJECTS were extracted:

for index, message in enumerate(mailbox.mbox(infile)): content = get_content(message) row = [ message['from'].strip('>').split('<')[-1], decode_header(message['subject'])[0][0],"|" ] writer.writerow(row)

This post walks you through loading data, mostly.  But at the end, you can see how easy it is to find who replied to whose e-mails.