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Biml Project Level Connection Issue

Bill Fellows explains a workaround he uses to set the project-level connection GUID in Biml:

There is no attribute in the Connections collection to assign a guid. It’s simply not there. If you want to associate an Id with an instance of a Connection your choices are the Project node and the Package node. Since we’re dealing with project level connection managers, we best cover both bases to ensure Ids synchronize across our project. If you wish, you could have embedded this Projects node in with the Connections but then you’d have to statically set these Ids. I feel like showing off so we’ll go dynamic.

To start, I define a list of static GUID values in the beginning of my file. Realistically, we have these values in a table and we didn’t go with “known” values. The important thing is that we will always map a guid to a named connection manager. If you change a connection manager’s definition from being project level to non, or vice versa, this will result in the IDs shifting and you’ll see the same symptoms as above.

There’s plenty of code over on Bill’s site to help you as well.