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Reverse Engineering Databases Using Biml

Bill Fellows shows how to get a database schema using Biml:

I’m at a new client and I needed an offline version of their operation data store, ODS, database schema. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t 11,500 tables. :O That’s a lot. First up to bat was Visual Studio Database Projects. I clicked Import and you really have no options to winnow the list of items your importing down via Import. Ten minutes later, the import timed out on spatial indexes. Which wouldn’t be so bad except it’s an all or nothing operation with import.

Fair enough, I’ll use the Schema Comparison and only compare tables, that should make it less ugly. And I suppose it did but still, the operation timed out. Now what?

SSMS to the rescue. I right click on my database and select Generate Scripts and first off, I script everything but the tables. Which is amusing when you have 11.5k tables, checking and unchecking the table box causes it to spin for a bit. I generated a file for each object with the hope that if the operation goes belly up, I’ll at least have some progress. Round 1, Winner! I had all my views, procedures, functions, data types (don’t hate), all scripted out nice and neat. Round 2, I just selected tables. And failed.

As you’d expect, there’s not that many lines of Biml code, and yet it does the job.