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AcquireConnection Failures

Ginger Grant explains what to do when you get AcquireConnection errors:

AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager failed with error code 0xC0202009/0xC020801C

Try as I might, the only thing I was able to do after an hour was periodically change the error code from 0xC0202009 to 0xC020801C. Nothing I did worked. I created a new connection, created a new OleDB Source, changed the Run64BitRuntime to False in Configuration Properties in the Debugging Section of the project execution, set the Data Flow task DelayValidation from False to True. None of these various suggestions that I got from various websites worked at all.  I thought about changing the SSIS Service ID’s execution properties, but since I was running in Debug mode I determined that this would not make any difference, so I abandoned that idea. Nothing worked. The only thing I was able to do was change the error code, not eliminate it. I could log into SQL Server with the same ID and password in my package and run the simple query in the data flow task and return data.  I could preview the data, what I couldn’t do is execute the SSIS package.  Out of desperation I rebooted, which also did nothing.

SSIS security issues.  Gotta love ’em.