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Runaway Queries

Aaron Bertrand talks about “runaway” queries:

Sometimes people will start a query, wait five seconds, and then declare that this must be a runaway query. Sometimes a query’s runtime can vary based on other things going on in the system, so four seconds on one run and six seconds on another is not necessarily “running forever.” Be sure that you’ve given a query adequate time to start returning results before giving up on it, and remember that Management Studio might seem “stuck” before it starts to render any grid results, especially if the resultset is large. If you feel you’ve waited a reasonable amount of time, and you’ve tried both Results to Grid and Results to Text, then…

This is a big question and can take years of experience to get correct.  Aaron’s post is introductory-level on purpose and does a great job of answering the initial “what are some things I can try?” question after you determine that yes, there is a problem.