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Change Data Capture With Databricks Delta

Ameet Kini and Denny Lee show how to use Databricks Delta to handle change data capture from different processes:

With Databricks Delta, the CDC pipeline is now streamlined and can be refreshed more frequently: Informatica => S3 => Spark Hourly Batch Job => Delta. In this scenario, Informatica writes change sets directly to S3 using Informatica’s Parquet writer. Databricks jobs run at the desired sub-nightly refresh rate (e.g., every 15 min, hourly, every 3 hours, etc.) to read these change sets and update the target Databricks Delta table.

With minor changes, this pipeline has also been adapted to read CDC records from Kafka, so the pipeline there would look like Kafka => Spark => Delta. In the rest of this section, we elaborate on this process, and how we use Databricks Delta as a sink for their CDC workflows.

With one of our customers, we implemented these CDC techniques on their largest and most frequently refreshed ETL pipeline. In this customer scenario, Informatica writes a change set to S3 for each of its 65 tables that have any changes every 15 minutes.   While the change sets themselves are fairly small (< 1000 records), their target tables can become quite large. Out of the 65 tables, roughly half a dozen are in the 50m-100m row range, and the rest are smaller than 50m. In Oracle, this pipeline would have run every 15 minutes, keeping in sync with Informatica. In Databricks Delta, we thought this would take close to an hour due to S3 latencies but ended up being pleasantly surprised with a 30 and even 15-minute refresh period depending on cluster size.

Click through for the rest of the story.

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An Introduction To Random Forests

Shrin Glander has a new video, currently only in German but there is an English transcript:

RF is based on decision trees. In machine learning decision trees are a technique for creating predictive models. They are called decision trees because the prediction follows several branches of “if… then…” decision splits – similar to the branches of a tree. If we imagine that we start with a sample, which we want to predict a class for, we would start at the bottom of a tree and travel up the trunk until we come to the first split-off branch. This split can be thought of as a feature in machine learning, let’s say it would be “age”; we would now make a decision about which branch to follow: “if our sample has an age bigger than 30, continue along the left branch, else continue along the right branch”. This we would do until we come to the next branch and repeat the same decision process until there are no more branches before us. This endpoint is called a leaf and in decision trees would represent the final result: a predicted class or value.

At each branch, the feature thresholds that best split the (remaining) samples locally is found. The most common metrics for defining the “best split” are gini impurity and information gain for classification tasks and variance reduction for regression.

Click through for more info and if you understand German, the video is good as well.

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Looking At The Robin Hood Caching Algorithm

Adrian Colyer reviews a paper on a multi-system caching algorithm:

The thing about this common pattern is that we need to wait for all of these back-end requests to complete before returning to the user. So improving the average latency of these requests doesn’t help us one little bit.

Since each request must wait for all of its queries to complete, the overall request latency is defined to be the latency of the request’s slowest query. Even if almost all backends have low tail latencies, the tail latency of the maximum of several queries could be high.

(See ‘The Tail at Scale’).

The user can easily see P99 latency or greater.

Techniques to mitigate tail latencies include making redundant requests, clever use of scheduling, auto-scaling and capacity provisioning, and approximate computing. Robin Hood takes a different (complementary) approach: use the cache to improve tail latency!

Robin Hood doesn’t necessarily allocate caching resources to the most popular back-ends, instead, it allocates caching resources to the backends (currently) responsible for the highest tail latency.

This is a great review of an interesting algorithm.

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Building Data Dictionaries

Caitlin Hudon shares some great advice on building data dictionaries:

The best defense I’ve found against relying on an oral history is creating a written one.

Enter the data dictionary. A data dictionary is a “centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format”, and provides us with a framework to store and share all of the institutional knowledge we have about our data.

As part of my role as a lead data scientist as a start-up, building a data dictionary was one of the first tasks I took on (started during my first week on the job). Learning about our data is a crucial part of onboarding for data-focused roles, and documenting that journey in the form of a data dictionary provides a useful data asset for the company (which helps to preserve institutional knowledge) and simultaneously provides a good resource for analyzing the data.

Read the whole thing.

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MariaDB On Azure Now In Preview

Chris Seferlis fills us in on Microsoft’s latest Platform-as-a-Service database offering:

First, a little history on MariaDB. MariaDB is a community developed fork of the MySQL. Essentially, when Oracle purchased MySQL from Sun, some of the developers from MySQL were concerned that the acquisition would make changes or lead down the road where it would no longer be open source.

So, they went ahead and forked off to MariaDB with the intent to maintain high compatibility with MySQL. Also, the contributors are required to share their copyright with MariaDB foundation rights, which in a nutshell means they want this foundation to always be open source.

This joins SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres as PaaS database offerings in Azure.

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Scary Scenarios For Database Developers

Bert Wagner gets into the Halloween spirit:

You’ve spent all morning loading millions of records into your tables.  Some of that data was painstakingly loaded by hand from flat files, and some lookup values you even authored manually because “you’ll only have to do this once.”

You are jumping around between SSMS windows, running this query here and that query there, pressing F5 like there’s no tomorrow. And then right before you press to F5 to finish all of your work…

…you realize that you ran the whole tab worth of code instead of the one statement you meant to highlight.  “Commands completed successfully” flashes in your Message window, and in horror you discover you accidentally ran a truncate table statement!

Ok so this is pretty bad.

Not that I’ve done that before…nope…

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Signing Certificates For Multi-Database Access

David Fowler shows you how to create a signed certificate which allows for cross-database access:

Recently Manish Kumar asked an interesting question, what do you do if your proc accesses multiple or even all the databases on the server?

So, instead of giving him a fuzzy answer in reply, I thought I’d write up exactly how you can deal with that sort of situation.

We’ve got two options and we’ll have a look at both of them (I’m not going to go into details about how signing procs works, please see the post mentioned earlier for a basic overview, here I’m going to look specifically at procs that access multiple databases).

Click through to see both solutions.

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Permission Set In A Post-SQL 2017 CLR World

Solomon Rutzky investigates what the PERMISSION_SET property does as of SQL Server 2017:

And farther down on that same page, there is a note stating:

The PERMISSION_SET option is affected by the clr strict security option, described in the opening warning. When clr strict security is enabled, all assemblies are treated as UNSAFE.

The last sentence in each of those quoted statements certainly does seem to be saying that when “CLR strict security” is enabled, then UNSAFE is effectively the only PERMISSION_SET, or stated another way: then PERMISSION_SET effectively no longer has any effect. However, as usual, things are perhaps not so simple given that the wording is not explicitly stating that. It would be rather easy to add a few words to both statements to indicate that the PERMISSION_SET property is now being ignored. Other documentation makes similar claims (for example: allow updates Server Configuration Option). So, did they fail to explicitly state this, or was this not stated because it is not what is actually happening?

Read on for Solomon’s answer.

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Using Hive Hooks

Pushkar Gujar shows us how to use Hive hooks, which behave a bit like triggers in relational databases:

To understand how data is consumed, we need to figure out answers to some basic questions like:

  • Which datasets (tables/views/DBs) are accessed frequently?
  • When are the queries run most frequently?
  • Which users or applications are heavily utilizing the resources?
  • What type of queries are running frequently?

The most accessed object can easily benefit from optimization like compression, columnar file format, or data decomposition. A separate queue can be assigned to heavy-resource-utilizing apps or users to balance the load on a cluster. Cluster resources can be scaled up during the timeframe when a large number of queries are mostly run to meet SLAs and scaled down during low usage tide to save cost.

Hive Hooks are convenient ways to answer some of the above questions and more!

Read on to learn how.

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Untangling Kafka APIs

Stephane Maarek helps us make sense of when to use which Kafka API:

I identify 5 types of workloads in Apache Kafka, and in my opinion each corresponds to a specific API:

  • Kafka Producer API: Applications directly producing data (ex: clickstream, logs, IoT).

  • Kafka Connect Source API: Applications bridging between a datastore we don’t control and Kafka (ex: CDC, Postgres, MongoDB, Twitter, REST API).

  • Kafka Streams API / KSQL: Applications wanting to consume from Kafka and produce back into Kafka, also called stream processing. Use KSQL if you think you can write your real-time job as SQL-like, use Kafka Streams API if you think you’re going to need to write complex logic for your job.

  • Kafka Consumer API: Read a stream and perform real-time actions on it (e.g. send email…)

  • Kafka Connect Sink API: Read a stream and store it into a target store (ex: Kafka to S3, Kafka to HDFS, Kafka to PostgreSQL, Kafka to MongoDB, etc.)

Stephane then goes into detail on each of these.

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