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Curated SQL Posts

Early Thoughts On Scalar UDF Inlining

Aaron Bertrand shares some early thoughts on a SQL Server 2019 improvement:

Since, in spite of our best efforts since SQL Server 2000, we can’t effectively stop scalar UDFs from being used, wouldn’t it be great to make SQL Server simply handle them better?

SQL Server 2019 introduces a new feature called Scalar UDF Inlining. Instead of keeping the function separate, it is incorporated into the overall plan. This leads to a much better execution plan and, in turn, better runtime performance.

Read the whole thing. Especially the part about how this changes the way one of the DMV counters behaves.

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Power BI Dataflow Use Cases

Reza Rad gives us the value proposition behind Power BI Dataflow:

If you don’t have an account in Azure or you don’t have a subscription that you can use for Azure Data Lake, No need to worry! You can still use Dataflow. The whole process of storing data into Azure Data Lake is internally managed through Dataflow. You won’t even need to login to the Azure portal or anywhere else. From your point of view, in the Power BI website, you create a dataflow, and that dataflow manages the whole storage configuration. You won’t need to have any other accounts or pay anything extra or more than what you are paying for Power BI subscription.

Click through for use cases and some tips.

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Cloud Risk: Service Obsolescence

Joy George Kunjikkur takes us through a risk scenario using an example of the Azure chat bot service:

Beginning of last year, we started to develop a chat bot demo. The idea was to integrate the chat bot into one of the big applications as a replacement to FAQ. Users can ask questions to bot thus avoiding obvious support tickets in the future.

Things went well. We got appreciation on the demo and started moving to production. About half way, things started turning south. The demo chat bot application used Bot SDK V3. It had voice recognition enabled which allow users to talk to it and get the response back in voice. During the demo we used Azure Bing Speech API. But later before the production, we got the notice that the service is obsolete and will be retired mid 2019. Another surprise was the introduction of Bot SDK V4 which is entirely different that Bot SDK V3. Something like AngularJS v/s Angular.

The major services tend to give you some time to switch over—in this case, they had 10 months to make a move. But when dealing with online services versus locally installed products, there’s always a risk that the service you’re calling won’t be there, and depending upon how critical that service is, it can have a major effect on your ability to function if it disappears one day. That’s definitely not a reason to ignore these services; it’s a reason to have a backup plan in place.

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Azure Databricks And Active Directory

Tristan Robinson wraps up a two-parter on Azure Databricks security:

With the addition of Databricks runtime 5.1 which was released December 2018, comes the ability to use Azure AD credential pass-through. This is a huge step forward since there is no longer a need to control user permissions through Databricks Groups / Bash and then assigning these groups access to secrets to access Data Lake at runtime. As mentioned previously – with the lack of support for AAD within Databricks currently, ACL activities were done on an individual basis which was not ideal. By using this feature, you can now pass the authentication onto Data Lake, and as we know one of the advantages of Data Lake is the tight integration into Active Directory so this simplifies things. Its worth noting that this feature is currently in public preview but having tested it thoroughly, am happy with the implementation/limitations. The feature also requires a premium workspace and only works with high concurrency clusters – both of which you’d expect to use in this scenario.

It looks like this is the way to go forward with securing Azure Databricks. Read the whole thing.

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Using Plotly In Power BI

Kara Annanie shows how you can R integration in Power BI to push Plotly visuals to users:

In the example, above, we’ve created a line chart visualization using Plotly and we’ve decided to put labels on the graph, but only on the first and last points of the line graph. This graph would be particularly useful to show 13 months of data overtime, where the left-most label shows January of last year, for example, and the right-most label shows January of this year, for example. The user could still view the trend across the year between both January data points.

Click through for a pair of videos and some notes on how to get started.

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Power BI “Is Nullable” Property

Chris Webb notices a new column property in Power BI Desktop:

I was, naturally, curious about what it did and I couldn’t find any documentation so I did a bit of investigation of my own and asked a few people at Microsoft.
It turns out that it is primarily intended for validation purposes, so that if you know a column should never contain a null value and then, at a later date, a null value does appear in that column then you’ll get the following error when you try to refresh a table in Import mode:

Column ‘MyColumn’ in Table ‘TestTable’ contains blank values and this is not allowed for columns on the one side of a many-to-one relationship or for columns that are used as the primary key of a table

Read on for more information. It looks like it works just as you’d expect.

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Common DAX Error Messages

Marco Russo takes us through some of the more common Power BI error messages around writing DAX:

The message should help the author fix the code, but sometimes the text suggests a possible action without describing the underlying issue. The goal of this article is to explain the more common DAX error messages by providing a more detailed explanation and by including links to additional material. If some terms are not clear, look at the linked articles or consider some free self-paced training such as Introducing DAX.

Click through for several examples.

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Recreating Dropped Azure SQL Managed Instance DBs

Jovan Popovic has a script to re-create an Azure SQL Managed Instance database which you might accidentally have dropped:

Azure SQL Database – Managed Instance is fully-managed PaaS service that provides advanced disaster-recovery capabilities. Even if you accidentally drop the database or someone drops your database as part of security attack, Managed Instance will enable you to easily recover the dropped database.
Azure SQL Managed Instance performs automatic backups of you database every 5-10 minutes. If anything happens with your database and even if someone drops it, your data is not lost. Managed Instance enables you to easily re-create the dropped database from the automatic backups.

Click through for the Powershell script.

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SQL Server Versions: Choose Your Own Adventure

Brent Ozar has a guide to help you choose which version of SQL Server to install:

Wait! Before you install that next SQL Server, hold up. Are you sure you’re using the right version?
I know, management wants you to stay on an older build, and the vendor says they’ll only support older versions, but now’s your chance to make your case for a newer version – and I’m gonna help you do it.
I’m going to go from the dark ages forward, making a sales pitch for each newer version.

My branch logic is easier: if you need the data today, SQL Server 2017. If you need the data later this year, SQL Server 2019. If you hate your company and yourself, SQL Server 6.5.

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Resource Semaphore Waits

Arthur Daniels explains what the RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE wait type is with an example:

So according to this DMV, there’s only 3 queries with memory grants, while the remaining 5 queries have to wait for space in this semaphore. This is where the wait type comes in. When a query is sitting as a waiter, it will display the wait type RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE.

This is one of the biggest performance-killing waits you can find, and there are several ways to tackle it in SQL Server, as well as adding more hardware.

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