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159 search results for "arun sirpal"

Disambiguating Azure SQL Database Classes

Arun Sirpal explains the different types of Azure SQL Database available to us:

I want to do a quick summary post of the many different types of Azure SQL Database available and I am not talking about elastic pools, VMs etc, more so the singleton type.

Azure SQL Database (I call normal mode) – A choice between the DTU model (Basic, Standard and Premium) and vCore (General Purpose and Business Critical). Within this space there are two different architecture types used by Microsoft under the covers.

As the product expands, we get more and more options, and Arun clarifies where each fits.

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Using Azure Storage Explorer

Arun Sirpal takes us through Azure Storage Explorer:

I only ever use the storage explorer when managing my blobs, files, queues within storage accounts. It is your single view access point for all your storage needs and I totally recommend downloading it and using it (

Why do I like using it? I am sure there are more reasons, but these are personal to me.

Click through for Arun’s reasons as well as installation basics.

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DBCC CHECKDB Error on Azure SQL Database

Arun Sirpal explains an error message on Azure SQL Database:

msg 7928, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The database snapshot for online checks could not be created. Either the reason is given in a previous error or one of the underlying volumes does not support sparse files or alternate streams. Attempting to get exclusive access to run checks offline.
Msg 8921, Level 16, State 3, Line 3
Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is inconsistent. Check previous errors.

Read on to see what this means, as well as what it means for you.

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Clustered Columnstore and Azure SQL DB

Arun Sirpal takes us through online clustered columnstore index creation in Azure SQL Database:

What tier do you need to create one of these things? Let’s see.

CREATE CLUSTERED  COLUMNSTORE INDEX cciSales ON [SalesLT].[ProductModelProductDescription] WITH ( ONLINE = ON )

But I get this message, Msg 40536, Level 16, State 32, Line 1
‘COLUMNSTORE’ is not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.

Read on to see the minimum tier which allows online creation of clustered columnstore indexes.

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Changes to Azure SQL Database SLA

Arun Sirpal notes a change to the Azure SQL Database Service Level Agreement:

I am sure many missed the updates to Azure SQL Database SLA (Service Level Agreement). It used to be 99.99% across all tiers  but split between two different high-availability architectural models. Basic, Standard and General Purpose tiers had its own model and the Premium / Business Critical tiers had a different one.

Read on to see the change.

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Changing Query Store Report Interval

Arun Sirpal wants to change the report interval for a Query Store report:

While not specific to SQL Server 2019 (I was using this version to do some testing) I was struggling to find how to change the time period of analysis for the Query Store reports within SSMS.

This is not a ground breaking post but hopefully a helpful one! So, I load up the “Top 25 resource consumers” report and by default it will show data for the past hour. So what do you do, or should I say what do you click to change the time interval for the report?

Read on for the two screenshots which answer this question for you.

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Creating Azure SQL Elastic Jobs

Arun Sirpal takes us through Elastic Jobs against Azure SQL Databases:

The purpose of an Elastic Job is to execute a T-SQL script that is scheduled or executed ad-hoc against a group of Azure SQL databases.  Targets can be in different SQL Database servers, subscriptions, and/or regions. This blog post is quite long and heavy (code wise) so grab a coffee and follow through.

The architecture you could follow is shown below.

All of the code is in Powershell and Arun talks us through it.

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Azure SQL Database Serverless

Arun Sirpal takes us through Azure SQL Database Serverless:

This is best used for those single databases that are ever changing with unpredictable patterns. With the concept of being billed per second (based on the vcores used) rather than per hour means that pricing can become more granular especially now with auto-pause becoming possible. The auto-pause delay defines the period of time the database must be inactive before it is automatically paused (only charged for storage). You should only use this if  you can afford some delay in compute warm-up after idle usage periods, otherwise it is best to stick with provisioned compute tiers ( classic tiers). 

I could see this being useful for dev or test databases, or maybe a personal site with heavy external caching.

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