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159 search results for "arun sirpal"

NOLOCK, No Problem?

Arun Sirpal explains that NOLOCK not only takes locks, but also lets you read invalid data:

A Sch-S (schema stability) lock is taken.  This is a lightweight lock; the only lock that can conflict with this is a Sch-m (schema modification) lock. (C = Conflict). This means that a NOLOCK can actually block for example against an ALTER TABLE command.

I would lean heavily toward turning on Read Committed Snapshot Isolation instead of using NOLOCK in most environments.  It’s something you’d need to test, but it does come with fewer bad ramifications.

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Elastic Database Pools

Arun Sirpal describes Azure elastic database pools:

The key to using elastic database pools is that you must understand the characteristics of the databases involved and their utilisation patterns, if you do not understand this then the idea of using an elastic database pool may cause problems.

The maximum amount my pool has is 100 eDTUs, I know for a fact that the S2 databases will not be used at the same time, the other S0 databases might be used at the same time at the most 3 of them at the same time. Basically what I am saying here is that I know that when the databases concurrently peak I know that it will not go beyond the 100 eDTU limit.

One thing that Arun does not mention is the relative ease of interconnecting databases within a pool, so even if it doesn’t end up being cheaper on net, that might be a benefit worth having.

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SQL Server EXE Size

Arun Sirpal points out that sqlservr.exe is a lot smaller in 2012 and up as compared  to 2008 R2:

I never really noticed the difference before, but I understand why.

From 2012 onwards the architecture changed, it has been broken up into multiple DLLs. I can see the extra DLL files within the BINN folder these being sqllang.dll and sqlmin.dll where each are roughly 30MB each.

Makes me a bit curious as to the reason behind the breakout.


Using SQL Server DMA

Arun Sirpal has a series on using the new Data Migration Assistant.  Part 1:

It “enables you to upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality on your new version of SQL Server. It recommends performance and reliability improvements for your target environment. It allows you to not only move your schema and data, but also uncontained objects from your source server to your target server”. It can be found at this link:

Part 2 is all about performing a migration:

By the way the backup file created via the tool is temporary, after a migration it is deleted. Also the compatibility level DOES NOT change, you need to do this yourself.

I haven’t used this tool yet, but it does look like an upgrade to the old Upgrade Advisor.

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