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Curated SQL Posts

Performance Optimizing Cosmos DB

Harshvardhan Singh has a few tips for us:

As with the other databases, indexing is the first go-to option to improve query performance. The same is the case with Cosmos DB as well. Below are a few points which you can leverage to optimize the indexing strategy for Cosmos DB. 

Indexes are kind of similar to indexing in SQL Server in intent, though different enough in implementation that you’ll want to read up on them. Harshvardhan also includes some tips around data modeling and querying data.

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Impact of and Limitations to Parameter Tuning in Postgres

Henrietta Dombrovskaya wraps up a series on PostgreSQL parameters:

In this first blog, we didn’t provide any examples of the practical impact of parameters tuning on performance. Indeed, it is challenging to model such an impact on the training database. 

In this blog, we will segue from discussing PostgreSQL system parameters best practices to other ways of performance tuning. Moreover, we will demonstrate that essential database performance tuning goes beyond choosing the appropriate parameters settings.

Click through for that post.

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Azure DataSync: Cannot Insert NULL Value

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz does some sleuthing:

In this blog article, we will delve into a common error encountered when synchronizing data with Azure SQL DataSync. We’ll explore the error message “Error #1: SqlException Error Code: -2146232060 – SqlError Number: 515, Message: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘ID’, table ‘dbo.Customers’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. SqlError Number: 3621, Message: The statement has been terminated.” We will provide a detailed explanation of the error and its possible causes, followed by a T-SQL code snippet that reproduces the error scenario.

Click through for four possible causes.

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Creating a Simple Video with Azure Open AI and Cognitive Services

Sabyasachi Samaddar has an interesting project:

In today’s digital age, video content has become a powerful medium for communication and storytelling. Whether it’s for marketing, education, or entertainment purposes, videos could captivate and engage audiences in ways that traditional text-based content often cannot. However, creating compelling videos from scratch can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

Fortunately, with the advancements in artificial intelligence and the availability of cloud-based services like Azure Open AI and Cognitive Services, it is now possible to automate and streamline the process of converting text into videos. These cutting-edge technologies provide developers and content creators with powerful tools and APIs that leverage natural language processing and computer vision to transform plain text into visually appealing and professional-looking videos.

This document serves as a comprehensive guide and a starting point for developers who are eager to explore the exciting realm of Azure Open AI and Cognitive Services for text-to-video conversion. While this guide presents a basic implementation, its purpose is to inspire and motivate developers to delve deeper into the possibilities offered by these powerful technologies.

Click through for a guide on how to do it.

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String Casing in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie is on the case:

When you’re working with a database, it’s very hard to not deal with strings at some point in your journey. There are lots of different functions that you will be working with when you’re working with strings. Today, I want to go over some of the basic ones that you’ll use in Snowflake.

The first two that you’ll deal with make the string either upper or lowercase. Yes, that’s right – you’ve probably figured out the names of the functions already. UPPER() and LOWER() are the 2 functions respectively.

Kevin mentions title capitalization (though not by name) and the quick rule depends on which rulebook you’re using. I grew up with MLA, which I summarize as:

  • Don’t capitalize articles (the, a, an), prepositions, or coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
  • Don’t capitalize “to” when it’s an infinitive (to go, to drive, etc.)
  • Don’t capitalize the second part of a hyphenated phrase if it shows up in the dictionary as one word without a hyphen
  • Capitalize everything else

And a quick bit of advice: understanding title capitalization really does make you look more professional, I promise. Unless we’re using different rulebooks, in which case at least one of us is a heretic.

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Exiting the Cloud to Save Money

David Heinemeier Hansson shares a story:

The back of the napkin math is that we’ll save at least $1.5 million per year by owning our own hardware rather than renting it from Amazon. And crucially, we’ve been able to do this without changing the size of the operations team at all. Running our applications in the cloud just never provided the promised productivity gains to do with any smaller of a team anyway.

I’ve never been a big fan of the “Move to the cloud to save money!” story that vendors tell. There are specific advantages, but saving money (as in, my overall IT expenditures are less than what I was spending before moving to the cloud) is more rare than common, in my experience.

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Migrating the Serverless SQL Pool to Fabric

Kevin Chant makes a move:

By the end of this post, you will know how to migrate serverless SQL Pool objects to a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse using Azure DevOps. Along the way I share plenty of links and advice.

Please note that Microsoft Fabric is currently in Public Preview and what you see in this post is subject to change.

This is the relatively easy one. The real challenge will be dedicated SQL pool migration.

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Deploying a SQL Server Container via go-sqlcmd

Jes Schultz builds a container:

In the past, you may have downloaded and installed SQL Server Developer Edition on your computer to test features, write queries, and have a sandbox. Do you want a more lightweight development environment that’s quicker to install and use? Enter Docker or Podmansqlcmd, and SQL Server containers. 

Our modern sqlcmd gives you the capability to query your existing SQL Server and Azure SQL Database instances. It also introduces new features such as creating containers in one line of code, using an existing backup file to restore a database when the instance is created, and opening Azure Data Studio for data exploration in one command. Here is how you can do this end-to-end. 

Click through for the demo.

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Thoughts on Fabric Data Warehouse

Teo Lachev continues a series on digging into Microsoft Fabric components:

Continuing our Power BI Fabric journey, let’s look at another of its engines that I personally care about – Fabric Warehouse (aka as Synapse Data Warehouse). Most of my real-life projects require integrating data from multiple data sources into a centralized repository (commonly referred to as a data warehouse) that centralizes trusted data and serves it as a source to Power BI and Analysis Services semantic models. Due to the venerable history of relational databases and other benefits, I’ve been relying on relational databases powered by SQL Server to host the data warehouse. This usually entails a compromise between scalability and budget. Therefore, Azure-based projects with low data volumes (up to a few million rows) typically host the warehouse in a cost-effective Azure SQL Database, while large scale projects aim for Synapse SQL Dedicated Pools. And now there is a new option on the horizon – Fabric Warehouse. But where does it fit in?

Teo gives us some real talk on this one, with plenty of ugly.

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Immutable Blobs in Azure Storage

Khushbu Gandhi won’t change:

A lot of my customers have a business requirement that –

  • once a document is written in storage account, nobody shall be able to modify or delete it, including the administrators
    AND / OR
  • audit data can be written only once, and nobody shall be able to alter them.

These kind of business requirements are called WORM (Write Once, Read Many) and are common for various industries such as ISVs, financial or healthcare. Have you run into these mission-critical requirements? If yes, then immutable storage would be the solution.

Read on to see how this works, using retention policies. But ash Khushbu notes, if you set an absurd retention policy (up to 400 years), you can’t change the data while that policy is active.

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