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Category: Testing

Finding Broken Code in SQL Server

Pamela Mooney shows us how we can find broken code on our SQL Server instances:

Before we approached our last major SQL Server upgrade, I was curious about what might break.  Yes, I had used the DEA to check our code against deprecated or discontinued code.  But I am talking about code that might not have been used in some time and would break because objects no longer existed, or other things like that.  So I wrote these scripts to refresh the sprocs, views and functions in our (non-production) environment.

Pamela’s motivation was to handle code which breaks during an update. You can also use this to see what you can probably deprecate—if the view doesn’t work, it can’t be in use. That means either someone should fix it or drop it.

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Pester and Testable Powershell Scripts

Shane O’Neill has a public service announcement:

Now scripts are notoriously hard to test, I’ve written about how I’ve done that before but, honestly, if you really want to know then you need to check out Jakub Jares ( blog | twitter ).

Knowing how difficult testing scripts are, the first thing I decided to do was take the functions in the script and split them out. This way they can be abstracted away and tested safely.

I also didn’t want to take on too much at one time so I choose a random function, GetPreviousTag, and only actioned that one first.

Shane also found a bug in the first script, underscoring the importance of good tests.

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Replaying Workloads with WorkloadTools

Gianluca Sartori shows an example of using the WorkloadTools application to replay a workload, including where the analytics server cannot directly access the production database:

Regardless of the method that you decided to use, at the end of the replays, you will have two distinct sets of tables containing the workload analysis data, sitting in different schemas in the same database or in completely different databases.

WorkloadViewer will let you visualize performance over time, as we have seen for a single workload analysis, but this time it will be able to show you data from both workloads, so that you can compare them.

This sort of production load testing is both important and difficult; WorkloadTools makes it easier.

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Load Testing Databases

Ed Elliott shares some tips on load testing a database:

Testing database performance is hard and takes a great deal of work to probably not even do particularly well. Instead of thinking about how you can load test a database think about how you can drive the application.

For instance, if you have a web app then use JMeter to simulate load. If you have a “fat app”, then you might need to write some code to call specific workflows through the application.

Click through for good advice, particularly around what you should not do.

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Testing an Event-Driven System

Andy Chambers takes us through how to test an event-driven system:

Each distinct service has a nice, pure data model with extensive unit tests, but now with new clients (and consequently new requirements) coming thick and fast, the number of these services is rapidly increasing. The testing guardian angel who sometimes visits your thoughts during your morning commute has noticed an increase in the release of bugs that could have been prevented with better integration tests.

Finally after a few incidents in production, and with velocity slowing down due to the deployment pipeline frequently being clogged up by flaky integration tests, you start to think about what you want from your test suite. You set off looking for ideas to make really solid end-to-end tests. You wonder if it’s possible to make them fast. You think about all the things you could do with the time freed up by not having to apply manual data fixes that correct for deploying bad code.

At the end of it all, hopefully you’ll arrive here and learn about the Test Machine.

Check it out. Testing these types of system is certainly possible, but can be a bit difficult because of the additional layers of complexity.

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Generating Workloads with Powershell

Rob Sewell wants to generate a workload against AdventureWorks using Powershell:

For a later blog post I have been trying to generate some workload against an AdventureWorks database.

I found this excellent blog post by Pieter Vanhove t which references this 2011 post by Jonathan Kehayias t

Rob turns these into multi-threaded workload generators. If you’re looking at generating stress on servers, you might also look at PigDog, developed by Mark Willkinson (one of my co-workers, so I have seen the look of joy on his face when he brings SQL Server to its knees).

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Unit Testing R Code

John Mount points out that you don’t need special infrastructure to perform unit testing in R:

There seems to be a general (false) impression among non R-core developers that to run tests, R package developers need a test management system such as RUnit or testthat. And a further false impression that testthat is the only R test management system. This is in fact not true, as R itself has a capable testing facility in “R CMD check” (a command triggering R checks from outside of any given integrated development environment).

By a combination of skimming the R-manuals ( ) and running a few experiments I came up with a description of how R-testing actually works. And I have adapted the available tools to fit my current preferred workflow. This may not be your preferred workflow, but I have and give my reasons below.

Food for thought for any R developer.

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Testing Cosmos DB’s REST API

Hasan Savran shows how we can test Cosmos DB’s REST API using Postman:

        You have many options to access to CosmosDB. Rest API is one of these options and it is the low level access way to Cosmos DB. You can customize all options of CosmosDB by using REST API. To customize the calls, and pass the required authorization information, you need to use http headers. There are many headers you can set depending on the operation you want to run in CosmosDB.  I am going to cover only the required headers here.

      In the following example, I am going to try to create a database in CosmosDB emulator by using the REST API. First let’s look at the required header fields for this request. These requirement applies to all other REST API calls too.

It’s a little more complicated than just posting to a URL and Hasan has you covered.

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The Anatomy of a Pester Test

Shane O’Neill takes us through using Pester to test self-contained scripts:

Where things differ…
…could be when you try to accommodate different people and create a .ps1 file that both defines and calls a function. Self Contained scripts, if you would call them that.
Normally the reason that I’ve heard from this is you’re trying to help a non-technical minded person and they just want a file that they can open, hit “run”, and everything is done for them.
Have you ever tried to Pester test those files though? It’s not recommended, especially if your function removes or modifies objects.

Click through for a solution and read Shane’s update as well for a scenario where it doesn’t quite work as hoped.

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