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Category: T-SQL

SELECT * Doesn’t Keep Views up to Date

Reitse Eskens busts a myth:

Last week i read a comment or a blog somewhere (i can’t remember it anymore but please let me know so i can credit!), that a select * in a view gets a full definition under the covers and doesn’t get updated when the underlying table is updated.

So, i decided to take that for a test, see what i can reproduce.

Spoilers: it doesn’t. Click through for the proof, as well as what does update a view’s definition.

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Handling Azure SQL Database Scale Changes

Arun Sirpal shows us how to handle scaling events in Azure SQL Database:

For some reason I have friends / colleagues telling me that when scaling (up and down for this example) that no downtime occurs. Well, not only does Microsoft documentation say differently, I will show it. So let’s test it out. Before the practical test, this is the official stance. “There is a switch over period where connectivity is lost to the database for a short amount of time, which can be mitigated using retry logic”.

Retry logic is an important part of any application. We tend to forget about it with on-prem applications talking to on-prem databases, but that’s a mistake.

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Guids in Persisted Calculated Columns

Slava Murygin shows us some odd things which occur when you try to make a persisted calculated column out from a UNIQUEIDENFITIER data type:

This post is for you in case you decide to use Uniqueidentifier column in your table and then you think about including it into a Persisted calculated column.
You also might see it useful if you like weird or funny SQL Server behavior.

Slava has an Azure feedback item and it looks like someone tested the behavior in SQL Server 2019 and it works as you’d expect, so this must have been fixed sometime between then and now.

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SQL Server Life Hacks

Kevin Hill has a few life hacks for us:

Since I am an independent consultant here under the Dallas DBAs name, I am frequently asked to come in and quickly find out why the server is so slow. Sometimes by existing customers, sometimes out of nowhere. Many of these times I cannot make any “permanent” or “lasting” changes, so my go-to is to run sp_whoisactive as a temporary stored procedure (code in link). Works the same, nothing left behind, no corporate policies violated.

Read on for another useful tip.

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Solving Groups of Groups Problems with Window Functions

James McGillivray shows off some of the power of window functions:

Windowing functions are an underused feature in SQL Server, with myriad uses. The most common problems we solve are running totals, seeing group totals on the same line as individual lines from the group (allowing calculations like subtotal %). I don’t know if there are better solutions, but before Windowing Functions, I used to solve these kind of problems with self joins, or nested queries. The performance of Windowing Functions is significantly better than this approach, and that alone has made my life considerably better.

The more I learn about Windowing Functions, the more often I see use cases where they are useful.

I love talking about, and teaching people to use, Windowing functions to make their lives better, so I’m quite excited to be able to use them as the topic for today’s post.

Specifically, James looks at groups of groups problems and aggregates of aggregates problems.

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Finding Foreign Key Relationships in SQL Server

John Morehouse shows how you can piece together foreign key relationships in SQL Server:

Recently, I had to purge some parent records from a table.  In this case, the parent table had foreign keys, which itself isn’t an issue.  The fact that there were more than 30 of them was.   While SQL Server will happily tell you that you are violating a foreign key if a child record is present when deleting the parent record, finding all of them can be cumbersome.  This is even more true when you have a larger number of foreign keys.

Thankfully, SQL Server can tell us a lot of information about foreign keys including both the parent and child tables as well as the column used.  From this information, we can dynamically create a SELECT statement that would tell us the number of child records that are tied to the parent ID.

Click through for the solution.

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Splitting Strings with T-SQL

Andy Levy recommends using STRING_SPLIT():

Last year, you finally retired the last of your SQL Server 2008R2 instances. Congratulations! But are you taking advantage of everything that your new instances have to offer? Unless you did a review of all of the T-SQL in your applications, I’m guessing not.

At one time or another, we all find ourselves having to do some string parsing, especially splitting strings on a delimiter. Nearly all of us have one (or two or a dozen) functions for doing this somewhere on every instance of SQL Server. But since SQL Server 2016, we’ve had an official way to do it – the STRING_SPLIT() function.

Andy’s example involves splitting strings, but there are plenty of functions which come into the T-SQL lexicon. It might be worth doing a quick review of the available system functions just to see if there’s something useful which slipped with a newer version of SQL Server.

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Solving the Gaps and Islands Set of Problems

Ed Pollack continues a series on gap and island analysis:

Gaps and islands analysis supplies a mechanism to group data organically in ways that a standard GROUP BY cannot provide. Once we know how to perform an analysis and group data into islands, we can extend this into the realm of real data.

For all code examples in this article, we will use a set of baseball data that I’ve created and maintained over the years. This data is ideal for analytics as it is large and contains data quality that varies between very accurate and very sloppy. As a result, we are forced to consider data quality in our work, as well as scrutinize boundary conditions for correctness. This data will be used without much introduction as we will only reference two tables, and each is relatively straightforward.

The code in this article gets a bit complex, but Ed shows off some powerful techniques.

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Contrasting TVPs and Memory-Optimized TVPs

Denis Gobo wants to see what memory-optimized table-valued parameters are good for:

The other day I was thinking about the blog post Faster temp table and table variable by using memory optimization I read a while back. Since you can’t believe anything on the internets (no disrespect to whoever wrote that post) , I decided to take this for a test

In this post I will be creating 2 databases, one is a plain vanilla database and the other, a database that also has a file group that contains memory optimized data

I will also be creating a table type in each database, a plain one and a memory optimized one in the memory optimized database

Read on for Denis’s findings.

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Fun with SET Options

Dan Guzman takes us through different SET options in T-SQL and where you can go wrong:

ANSI_PADDING OFF has also been deprecated for quite some time and the SQL Server documentation specifically calls out “ANSI_PADDING should always be set to on.” In summary, a column-level ANSI_PADDING OFF setting causes nullable fixed-length char(n) and binary(n) columns to behave like variable-length varchar(n) and varbinary(n) columns. Furthermore, SQL Server automatically trims trailing blank characters from character data and leading binary zeros from binary data and stores the values as variable length instead of storing the provided value as-is during inserts and updates. Varchar(n)/varbinary(n) columns with ANSI_PADDING OFF are similarly trimmed. Note that it is the persisted ANSI_NULLS column meta-data setting that determines the storage and trimming behavior, not the current session ANSI_PADDING setting. The session ANSI_PADDING must still be ON when using features that require proper settings.

Some of these will pop up in occasional errors, like if you’re using filtered indexes or indexed views.

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