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Category: T-SQL

Performance Comparison of ISNULL and COALESCE

Erik Darling notes the edge cases where ISNULL() can be faster than COALESCE():

Sometimes there are very good reasons to use either coalesce or isnull, owing to them having different capabilities, behaviors, and support across databases.

But isnull has some particular capabilities that are interesting, despite its limitations: only two arguments, specific to SQL Server, and uh… well, we can’t always get three reasons, as a wise man once said.

There is one thing that makes isnull interesting in certain scenarios. Let’s look at a couple.

Read the whole thing. You (hopefully) won’t be in this situation often, but if you do happen to find yourself in it for whatever reason (and you can’t re-write the query to something better), it’s good to keep this in mind.

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Faster String Concatenation with SQL Server

Steve Stedman has some tips for people who need to combine strings:

What the previous show as that the longer the string gets the slower the concatenation is. So instead we declare a second VARCHAR(MAX) variable called @stringBuilder, and each time through the loop we concatenate to that, then every thousandth time through the loop we take the @stringBuilder variable and concatenate it on to the @bigString, then clear out the @stringBuilder variable. This keeps the @stringBuilder variable relatively short, and reduces the number of concatenations to the @bigString to roughly 1/1000th the original.

Click through for a demo of the process. I don’t think I’ve been in too many situations where string concatenation was a performance killer in SQL Server, but it’s good to know.

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The Pain of SELECT *

Grant Fritchey strongly recommends against SELECT *:

Quite a few years ago, I wrote a post about SELECT * and performance. That post had a bit of a click-bait title (freely admitted). I wrote the post because there was a really bad checklist of performance tips making the rounds (pretty sure it’s still making the rounds). The checklist recommended a whole bunch of silly stuff. One silly thing it recommended was to simply substitute ALL columns (let me emphasize that again, name each and every column) instead of SELECT * because “it was faster”.

My post, linked above, showed that this statement was nonsense. Let’s be clear, I’m not a fan of SELECT *. Yes, it has some legitimate functionality. However, by and large, using SELECT * causes performance problems.

I’ll use SELECT * for one-off queries (well, something like SELECT TOP(100) * but same difference), but it’s a really bad practice to include that in application code for the reasons Grant mentions.

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Chad Callihan walks us through using AT TIME ZONE in SQL Server:

Dealing with time zones in general can be a headache. Thankfully, SQL Server 2016 included a new clause to make working with time zones more manageable. Let’s look at a couple examples:

I’m in Eastern Standard Time so we’ll start here. Keep in mind that when no offset information is included, SQL Server is going to assume that the date value is in the target time zone.

This works best when your dates are stored in UTC, but Chad does show how to convert between two other time zones. This does not perform all that well when you need to convert a lot of rows, but if you’re doing one or two conversions, it’ll do just fine.

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Defining Deferred Complation

Gail Shaw explains the concept of deferred compilation:

When I talked about row estimations for table variables, I mentioned ‘deferred compile’, but didn’t give a whole lot of details. What, then, is a deferred compilation? Let’s start with how batches work normally.

T-SQL is an interpreted language. While we talk about compiles, they’re not compilations in the sense of what happens to C++. There’s no conversion of the script to a machine language or intermediate language which is used from that point onwards. Every time a batch executes, it has to be parsed, bound and have an execution plan generated or fetched from cache.

Click through to learn what it does mean.

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One Reason to Avoid SELECT *

Andy Levy has a new reason for us:

I got a merge a while back that included a change I wasn’t expecting from one of my developers. All they were doing was renaming a column on a table. We had names settled a while ago. What’s up with that?

Turns out, when I created the table, I named one of the fields BrithYear. This merge request corrected it to BirthYear. The misspelling slipped past me, past everyone else, it was only discovered because when this developer was building the a new query into their code, they spelled the field as one would expect, and the query threw an error.

There’s many a reason not to use SELECT * in application code; this is one I don’t think I’d heard before.

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The Concatenation Operator

Hugo Kornelis explains what the Concatenation operator does:

The Concatenation operator reads and returns all rows from all its inputs, in order, and without modification.

This operator is most commonly used to execute queries that use UNION or UNION ALL. In the former case, other operators are required to remove the duplicates, because Concatenation doesn’t provide that functionality. You may also find the Concatenation operator in queries on partitioned views.

Read on to see the algorithm and lots of details about the operator.

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Build Your Own Number Generator

Itzik Ben-Gan has part one of solutions to a challenge:

Last month I posted a challenge to create an efficient number series generator. The responses were overwhelming. There were many brilliant ideas and suggestions, with lots of applications well beyond this particular challenge. It made me realize how great it is to be part of a community, and that amazing things can be achieved when a group of smart people joins forces. Thanks Alan Burstein, Joe Obbish, Adam Machanic, Christopher Ford, Jeff Moden, Charlie, NoamGr, Kamil Kosno, Dave Mason and John Number2 for sharing your ideas and comments.

Initially I thought of writing just one article to summarize the ideas people submitted, but there were too many. So I’ll split the coverage to several articles. This month I’ll focus primarily on Charlie’s and Alan Burstein’s suggested improvements to the two original solutions that I posted last month in the form of the inline TVFs called dbo.GetNumsItzikBatch and dbo.GetNumsItzik. I’ll name the improved versions dbo.GetNumsAlanCharlieItzikBatch and dbo.GetNumsAlanCharlieItzik, respectively.

One of the best parts about this happening in public is that there is a real benefit to having multiple people look over a problem, and then waves of people refining those solutions over time.

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