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Category: T-SQL

Greatest and Least in T-SQL

Hasan Savran takes us through a rather useful pair of functions:

GREATEST and LEAST functions are available in Azure SQL and SQL Server 2022. GREATEST returns the maximum value from a list of expressions. LEAST returns the minimum value from a list of expressions. 

     The Highest number of expressions you can pass to these functions is 254. All expressions must be comparable for these functions to work. For example, SQL Server can automatically convert the following string to an integer and find the greatest number.

These kinds of row-wise comparisons cut out a lot of writing OR clauses. Though standard function rules apply: if you put these in the WHERE clause of queries against large tables and expect them to be your primary filters and you’ll probably be in for a nasty surprise.

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T-SQL Language Enhancements in SQL Server 2022

Chad Baldwin checks out what’s new:

I’ve been exicted to play around with some of the new features and language enhancements that are available in SQL Server 2022 so I’ve been keeping an eye on the Microsoft Docker repository for a new 2022 image. Well, they finally added it to Docker Hub! I immediately pulled the image and started playing with it.

I want to focus on the language enhancements as those are the easiest to demonstrate, and I feel that’s what you’ll be able to take advantage of the quickest after upgrading.

Read on for a dozen or so language enhancements. This isn’t as big a change as what 2012 brought but there is a lot of useful stuff in here, as well as more that has been publicly announced like APPROX_PERCENTILE_CONT() (and _DISC(), yeah, but bah humbug).

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Expressive T-SQL with Equivalent Performance

Aaron Bertrand shows off one of the reasons I like SQL so much:

As an analogy, there are many routes you can take from New York City to Dallas. Some may be faster than others, some may be fewer miles but take longer, some are more fuel-efficient due to average speed limits, some more scenic, and some more toll-friendly. The beauty is that if you and I are independently planning the same trip, we can choose our routes based on our individual priorities. I may not like interstates, or I may prefer to drive more westerly until the sun starts setting, and you may want to see a particular tourist attraction, visit an uncle, or stop in a certain city.

A query is similar. Usually, performance is of utmost importance, but even that isn’t always true. When two or more queries give the same answer and have identical (or “close enough”) performance, the choice can come down to other factors, as mentioned above. I recently answered a question on Stack Overflow where the user was asking how to filter a grouping where an aggregate condition was true.

The fundamental insight here is that SQL is a 4th generation language, otherwise known as a declarative language: we tell the interpreter what we want and let it determine a path to get us there. By contrast, 3rd generation languages like C are imperative languages: it does what we tell it to do, no more, no less (until the compiler gets in there and re-writes our code to make it better…but these are academic ideas languages approach, not hard-and-fast mandates). There are benefits and drawbacks to either language depending on how creative you are and how good the interpreter/compiler is.

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Distributed Transactions in T-SQL

Kevin Wilkie explains what distributed transactions are and why you probably don’t want to use them:

In the version of transactions that we going to discuss today, we’re going to discuss doing transactions on multiple servers!

A Distributed transaction is defined by HazelSet to be “a set of operations on data that is performed across two or more data repositories”. In even simpler terms, it’s a command run against data on more than one server.

Click through for the warnings about what might possibly go wrong.

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IF Branches and Dynamic SQL

Erik Darling takes us through the scenic route:

I’m going to use the example from yesterday’s post to show you what you can do to further optimize queries like this.

To make the code fit in the post a little better, I’m going to skip the IF branch for the Posts table and go straight to Votes. Using dynamic SQL here will get you the same behavior at stored procedures, though.

Read on for more detail and a wrap-up of Erik’s series on conditional branching logic and performance tuning.

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IF Branching, Local Variables, and Stored Procedures

Erik Darling continues a quest. Part 3 involves local variables:

What never seems to get a bad name, despite numerical supremacy in producing terrible results, are local variables.

In this particular scenario, I see developers use them to try to beat “parameter sniffing” to no avail.

A chorus of “it seemed to work at the time”, “I think it made things a little better”, “it worked on my machine”, and all that will ensue.

But we know the truth.

The next part is around stored procedures:

You know and I know and everyone knows that stored procedures are wonderful things that let you tune queries in magickal ways that stupid ORMs and ad hoc queries don’t really allow for.

Sorry about your incessant need to use lesser ways to manifest queries. They just don’t stack up.

But since we’re going to go high brow together, we need to learn how to make sure we don’t do anything to tarnish the image of our beloved stored procedures.

Erik notes that stored procedures are part of the solution but there’s a bit more that we need.

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Window Function Improvements in SQL Server 2022

Itzik Ben-Gan knows how to inspire joy:

Microsoft recently released the first public preview of SQL Server 2022. This release has a number of T-SQL improvements. In this article I focus on windowing and NULL-related improvements. These include the new WINDOW clause and the windowing NULL treatment clause.

I’ll be using the sample database TSQLV6 in the examples in this article. You can download this sample database here.

I’ve been waiting for INGORE NULLS since they previewed it in Azure SQL Edge.

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T-SQL Enhancements in SQL Server 2022

Aaron Bertrand notes some T-SQL improvements:

A few of the most useful changes I’ve been able to play with in SQL Server 2022 so far:





In this tip, I’ll explain each one, and show some practical use cases.

Click through for more information. I particularly like GREATEST() and LEAST() but GENERATE_SERIES() could be very useful as well. Some of this stuff was first made available in Azure SQL Edge.

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Running Dynamic SQL in a Different Database

Kenneth Fisher doesn’t like this database and wants to move to a new one:

This is one of those things that on hindsight was a stupid problem, but still cost me hours and a major headache. So I thought I would share the story of my headache with you. 

A few weeks ago I was working on some dynamic SQL that hit multiple databases. Not a huge issue. I do lots of dynamic SQL.

But it didn’t quite work out the way Kenneth initially envisioned. Read on for the full story.

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T-SQL Order of Execution and Aliases

Joe Billingham explains why you can’t do that thing you want to do:

So, you have just written a query, hit execute and you have encountered an error: Invalid column name ‘[column name]‘.

The column you’ve used in your WHERE clause cannot be identified by its alias. You’ve defined it at the top of the query and used it fine previously as your ORDER BY condition, so why can’t the engine recognise it?

Read on for the answer. This is why some people I know have wanted a SQL-like language which runs in order of execution, so a query would start with the FROM clause rather than the SELECT clause. Languages like KQL do work that day, so there are examples in the wild.

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