Brent Ozar points out the ups and downs of DATETRUNC():
The first one, passing in a specific start & end date, gets the best plan, runs the most quickly, and does the least logical reads (4,299.) It’s a winner by every possible measure except ease of writing the query. When SQL Server is handed a specific start date, it can seek to that specific part of the index, and read only the rows that matched.
DATETRUNC and YEAR both produce much less efficient plans. They scan the entire index (19,918 pages), reading every single row in the table, and run the function against every row, burning more CPU.
SQL Server’s thought process is, and has always been, “I have no idea what’s the first date that would produce YEAR(2017). There’s just no way I could possibly guess that. I might as well read every date since the dawn of time.”
Read on for the upshot.
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