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Category: Syntax

The take Operator in KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

In this example we took the Perf table, and piped the dataset it generated into the take operator. We indicated we wanted to get 10 rows, which it did as you can see.

It is important to understand that take grabs these rows at random. Further, there is no consistency between each execution of take. You are likely to get a different set of rows with each execution. Let me run the exact same query again, so you can see the different data being returned.

Take if you want a slice, if you want a piece, if it feels alright.

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Empty Catch Blocks in T-SQL

Erik Darling looks disapprovingly:

So if you execute the above proc, all it returns is an empty result with no error message.

Kinda weird.

Like not having finger or toenails.

I’m dating myself here but I remember a comment in a TheDailyWTF thread in which somebody puts an ASCII art Pikachu in every empty catch block because hey, you gotta catch ’em all.

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Multiple Aggregations with CASE

Chad Callihan shows off a good use of aggregate functions and the CASE statement:

Have you have been tasked with pulling multiple counts from the same table? Maybe you need to find how many records have a value for a column and how many are NULL. Or maybe you need to see how many records are true and how many are false.

It’s simple enough to run a query to count one set of criteria, run another query for the second set of criteria, and combine them when sending your results. Did you know you can get multiple counts with one query?

Here’s an example of how using COUNT and CASE can speed up your day.

Click through for an example. I mildly disagree with Chad’s conclusion that this is something you’ll rarely do—the more you work with reporting and analytical queries, the more you’ll appreciate this.

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Splitting Strings with Quoted Names

Daniel Hutmacher mixes separators with regular characters:

Suppose you have a delimited string input that you want to split into its parts. That’s what STRING_SPLIT() does:

DECLARE @source nvarchar(max)='Canada, Cape Verde, '+    'Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros';

SELECT TRIM([value]) AS[Country]
FROM STRING_SPLIT(@source, ',');

Simple enough. But delimited lists are tricky, because the delimiter could exist in the name itself. Look for yourself what happens when we add the two Congos to the list:

Daniel has a clever solution to the problem.

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Calculating Running Totals with Window Functions

Steve Jones shows off a good use case for window functions:

Recently I was looking at some data and wanted to analyze it by month. I have a goal that is set for each day and then an actual value. I wanted to know how I was tracking against the goal, as a running total. If my goal is 10 a day, then I ought to actually get to 10 the first day, 20 for the second day (10 + 10), etc.

Read on to see how Steve solved the problem.

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Animated SQL: Visualizing Query Operations

Steve Jones looks at an interesting site:

While I think SQL is interesting, I know some people struggle with the way the language work. Someone at work posted a link to this site:

I think the idea is this site helps you visualize how a SQL query works. It’s not free form, and I can’t just write any SQL, but you choose a keyword and then a sample query is shown. If you press Visualize, it walks through how this query is processed.

Click through to see how it works and Steve’s thoughts. It looks like they’re using either MySQL or Postgres in the background; it’s hard to tell because both support all of the site functionality including LIMIT/OFFSET (versus TOP and OFFSET/FETCH). Sadly, it’s pretty limited in terms of the queries supported—for example, I tried adding in a quick ROW_NUMBER() window function and that did not go over well. Still, I like this a lot as a teaching tool, especially for people brand new to SQL and haven’t sorted out how to think in sets.

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Making Redis Do Your Bidding

Arun Sirpal looks at some of the command language for Azure Redis:

Now that we have created our Redis Cache lets connect to it. You can use the most common tool redis cli.exe or as I am going to do, use the Azure Portal to use the console directly, this isn’t probably the best way but it’s the easiest for this blog. 2 key points here:

Read on for those points, as well as examples of commands you can run.

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PRECEDING and FOLLOWING in Window Functions

Reitse Eskens looks at a couple of useful window operators:

I was teaching a class today on more advanced SQL queries and we were discussing if you could use preceding and following in a single windowing function.

Windowing Functions

If you’re not familiar with windowing functions, they’re really cool. You can perform all kinds of trickery and magic with them. Let’s start with a simple example.
The dataset I’m using has flight data from the early 2000’s.

Read on for the example and for the answer to Reitse’s question.

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Synonyms in SQL Server

Chad Callihan looks at synonyms in SQL Server:

Are you familiar with synonyms as they relate to SQL Server? I haven’t seen them used too much out in the wild but understand they can have benefits. Let’s take a look at what synonyms are in SQL Server and some common reasons for implementing them.

My recollection is that synonyms have some limitations which make them not as useful as they’d first appear. But the bigger reason I think we don’t see synonyms used very often is that they obscure information and make it tougher to understand what’s really happening. In that respect, it’s a bit similar to a trigger: useful but sometimes painful to debug because it obscures relevant information.

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