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Category: Spark

Using Notebooks to Load Data into the Databricks File System

Tomaz Kastrun is putting together an Advent of Azure Databricks:

Yesterday we started working towards data import and how to use drop zone to import data to DBFS. We have also created our first Notebook and this is where I would like to start today. With a light introduction to notebooks.

Read on for a depiction of notebooks, as well as an example which loads data into the Databricks File System (DBFS).

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Joining Data Streams in Flink

Kundan Kumarr crosses the streams:

Apache Flink offers rich sources of API and operators which makes Flink application developers productive in terms of dealing with the multiple data streams. Flink provides many multi streams operations like UnionJoin, and so on. In this blog, we will explore the Window Join operator in Flink with an example. It joins two data streams on a given key and a common window.

Click through for an example of the fluent API approach. It’s not as nice as proper SQL, but it does the job.

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Spark Starter Guide: Data Standardization

Ladon Robinson continues the Spark Starter Guide:

Standardization is the practice of analyzing columns of data and identifying synonyms or like names for the same item. Similar to how a cat can also be identified as a kitty, kitty cat, kitten or feline, we might want to standardize all of those entries into simply “cat” so our data is less messy and more organized. This can make future processing of the data more streamlined and less complicated. It can also reduce skew, which we address in Addressing Data Cardinality and Skew.

We will learn how to standardize data in the following exercises.

Check it out. I’m excited to see the Spark Starter Guide get fleshed out and written.

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Identifying Straggler Tasks in Spark Applications

Ajay Gupta clues us in on a process:

What Is a Straggler in a Spark Application?

A straggler refers to a very very slow executing Task belonging to a particular stage of a Spark application (Every stage in Spark is composed of one or more Tasks, each one computing a single partition out of the total partitions designated for the stage). A straggler Task takes an exceptionally high time for completion as compared to the median or average time taken by other tasks belonging to the same stage. There could be multiple stragglers in a Spark Job being present either in the same stage or across multiple stages. 

Read on to understand the consequences and causes of these straggler tasks, as well as what you can do about them.

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Q&A about the Lakehouse

Terry McCann posts Q&A from Simon Whiteley’s session on Lakehouse models in Spark 3.0:


It’s a direction that most providers are heading in, albeit under the “unified analytics” or “modern warehouse” name rather than the “lakehouse”. But most big relational engines are moving to bring in spark/big data capabilities, other lake providers are looking to expand their SQL coverage. It’s a bit of a race to who gets to the “can do both sides as well as a specialist tool” point first. Will we see other tools championing it as a “lakehouse”, or is that term now tied too closely as a “vendor-specific” term coming from Databricks? We’ll see…

Click through for some good questions and thoughtful answers.

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The Evolving Lakehouse

Simon Whiteley looks at the current status of the Lakehouse model:

We have discussed in the past this idea of the lakehouse, the aspirational target of many analytics platforms these days of combining the huge power and potential of data lakes with the rigour, reliability and concurrency of a data warehouse. It’s an interesting concept but has, in the past, been firmly an aspiration.

In the world without lakehouses, we often see the “Modern Data Warehouse”, this two-phased approach to providing a holistic platform – we load our early data into a lake where we shape it and massage it into an understandable state. It is here we perform data science, exploratory data analysis, early sight analytics prototyping and various other functions that don’t quite fit into a data warehouse… but then we load our data into a relational store for serving to the business. This is where we can meet their demands for a rich SQL environment, auditable data models and rigorous change procedures. Essentially, we store data twice so that we can achieve the best of both worlds.

Definitely read Simon’s take on it. My take is that the Lakehouse concept will start to be useful to specific companies in about 2-3 years, as I don’t think the performance is there today.

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Automating Hadoop Workflows with Spark and Oozie

Prashanth Jayaram walks us through automating a sample data transfer with tools like Sqoop, Spark, and Oozie:

In the process of building a data product one would end-up applying many resource-intensive analytical operations on a medium to large data-set in an efficient way. Apache Spark is the bet in this scenario to perform faster job execution by caching data in memory and enabling parallelism in a distributed data environments.

Components involved in Spark implementation:

1. Initialize spark session using scala program
2. Ingest data from data lake through hive queries
3. Apply business logic using scala constructs or hive queries
4. Load data into HDFS or Hive targets
5. Execute spark programs through spark submit

Read on for a sample flow.

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Join Execution in Apache Spark

Ajay Gupta takes us through join operations in Apache Spark:

Join operations are often used in a typical data analytics flow in order to correlate two data sets. Apache Spark, being a unified analytics engine, has also provided a solid foundation to execute a wide variety of Join scenarios.

At a very high level, Join operates on two input data sets and the operation works by matching each of the data records belonging to one of the input data sets with every other data record belonging to another input data set. On finding a match or a non-match (as per a given condition), the Join operation could either output an individual record, being matched, from either of the two data sets or a Joined record. The joined record basically represents the combination of individual records, being matched, from both the data sets.

Click through for more information on the mechanics of joining, including trade-offs between types of physical join operators.

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Adding Libraries in Databricks

Arun Sirpal has some third-party libraries to add:

It is a really common requirement to add specific libraries to databricks. Libraries can be written in Python, Java, Scala, and R. You can upload Java, Scala, and Python libraries and point to external packages in PyPI, Maven, and CRAN repositories.

Libraries can be added in 3 scopes. Workspace, Notebook-scoped and cluster. I want to show you have easy it is to add (and search) for a library that you can add to the cluster, so that all notebooks attached to the cluster can leverage the library.

I’m hoping that loading libraries in Azure Synapse Analytics will, at some point, be this convenient.

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