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Category: Spark

Run Spark within Azure ML Compute

James Nguyen makes an announcement:

Following the blog post on Turning AML compute into Ray and Dask , we’ve added a new exciting capability to run Spark within AML compute where Spark shares the same context with your ML code. The Spark version is 3.2.1 with support for Delta Lake and Synapse SQL read/write. This enables users of AML to perform powerful data transformation and even Spark ML within AML interactive notebook or in a job run. 

Traditionally, Azure ML integrates with Spark Synapse or external compute services via a pipeline step or better via magic command like %synapse, but the computing context is separate from your AML logic so you still need to run Spark in a separate step and persist the output to some storage and load it in your AML script.

With this approach, Spark is available right within your AML code whether it’s AML notebook, python script or pipeline step. It shares the common computing context and most of the cases you can just directly convert the Spark Dataframe to Pandas and Dask Dataframe without persisting first to an intermediary storage.

I’ll have to try this out to see if it makes up for their getting rid of the Spark-based curated environments last year.

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Filter on Aggregate Columns in Spark

Landon Robinson shows off the HAVING clause:

Having is similar to filtering (filter()where() or where, in a SQL clause), but the use cases differ slightly. While filtering allows you to apply conditions on your data to limit the result set, Having allows you to apply conditions on aggregate functions on your data to limit your result set.

Both limit your result set – but the difference in how they are applied is the key. In short: where filters are for row-level filteringHaving filters are for aggregate-level filtering. As a result, using a Having statement can also simplify (or outright negate) the need to use some sub-queries.

Click through for examples of HAVING in use.

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Ranking Data in Spark

Landon Robinson continues the Spark Starter Guide:

Ranking is, fundamentally, ordering based on a condition. So, in essence, it’s like a combination of a where clause and order by clause—the exception being that data is not removed through ranking , it is, well, ranked, instead. While ordering allows you to sort data based on a column, ranking allows you to allocate a number (e.g. row number or rank) to each row (based on a column or condition) so that you can utilize it in logical decision making, like selecting a top result, or applying further transformations.

One very common ranking function is row_number(), which allows you to assign a unique value or “rank” to each row or rows within a grouping based on a specification. That specification, at least in Spark, is controlled by partitioning and ordering a dataset. The result allows you, for example, to achieve “top n” analysis in Spark.

One minor adjustment I’d make is not calling the output of ROW_NUMBER() “Rank” because then it’d make me think that’s the output of the RANK() window function. In the event of ties, those two outputs will differ.

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Databricks Delta Sharing for Azure

Will Girten, et al, announce Delta Sharing on Azure:

Included in this release is a new and improved API for listing all the tables under all schemas in a share. The new API supports pagination similar to other APIs.

For example, to list all the tables in the Delta share my_share, you can simply send a GET request to the /shares/{share_name}/all-tables endpoint on the sharing server.

Prior to that, you might want to read up on Delta Sharing.

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Using Synapse Link for Cosmos DB

I have a post combining Synapse Link for Cosmos DB and the Spark to Synapse SQL Connector:

In this post, we saw how to enable Cosmos DB’s Analytical store, access data using Synapse Link for Cosmos DB, and use the Spark to Synapse SQL Connector to move that data into a dedicated SQL pool. We saw how to do this in a workspace using a managed virtual network with data exfiltration protection enabled, meaning this is the largest number of steps necessary.

Click through for product descriptions and step-by-step instructions.

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MLOps on Databricks

Piotr Majer and Michael Shtelma complete a series on MLOps on Databricks:

This is the second part of a two-part series of blog posts that show an end-to-end MLOps framework on Databricks, which is based on Notebooks. In the first post, we presented a complete CI/CD framework on Databricks with notebooks. The approach is based on the Azure DevOps ecosystem for the Continuous Integration (CI) part and Repos API for the Continuous Delivery (CD). This post extends the presented CI/CD framework with machine learning providing a complete ML Ops solution.

Check it out.

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Combining Azure DevOps and Databricks

Anna Wykes continues a series on DevOps for Databricks:

An Environment Variable is a variable stored outside of the Python script; in our instance it will be stored on the DevOps Agent running the DevOps Pipelines. Consequently, it is accessible to other scripts/programs running on the DevOps Agent. We will not cover DevOps Agents in this blog specifically, the simplest description is that they are the compute that runs your pipeline, normally a VM (Virtual Machine) or Docker Container

Read the whole thing.

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Checking if a Spark DataFrame is Empty

The Hadoop in Real World team has a one-liner for us:

A quick answer that might come to your mind is to call the count() function on the dataframe and check if the count is greater than 0. count() on a dataframe with a lot of records is super inefficient.

count() will do a global count of records in the dataframe from all partitions and then add all the intermediate counts together to get the final count. You will find this approach very slow for big dataframes.

Click through for a much faster one-liner.

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Wrapping up a Spark Advent Calendar

Tomaz Kastrun did it: 25 posts in 25 days on Spark. Part 23 looks at Delta Live Tables:

Delta Live Tables is a framework for building reliable, maintainable, and testable data processing pipelines. User defines the transformations to be performed on the datasources and data, and the framework manages all the data engineering tasks: task orchestrations, cluster management, monitoring, data quality, and event error handling.

Delta Live Tables framework helps and manages how data is being transformed with help of target schema and can is a slight different experience with Databricks Tasks (with Apache Spark tasks in the background).

Part 24 takes us through a bit of visualization:

You can use any of the popular Python packages to do the visualisation; Plotly, Dash, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Bokeh, Leather, Glam, to name the couple and many others. Once the data is persisted in dataframe, you can use any of the packages. With the use of PySpark, plugin the Matplotlib. Here is an example

And part 25 wraps things up with links to additional resources:

To wrap up this year’s Advent of Spark 2021 – series of blogposts on Spark – it is essential to look at the list of additional learning resources for you to continue with this journey. Let’s divide this list not by type of the resource (book, on-line documentation, on-line courses, articles, Youtube channels, Discord channels, and others) but rather divide them by language flavour. Scala/Spark, R, and Python.

Great job on Tomaz’s part for gutting it out.

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