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Category: Query Tuning

Index Column Order and Selectivity

Erik Darling gives us multiverse indexing:

Missing index request column order is pretty basic.

Instead, we’re gonna add these:

CREATE INDEX ix_spaces
ON dbo.Posts(ParentId, Score);

ON dbo.Posts(Score, ParentId);

SQL Server is capable of using both intelligently. This is something I generally don’t like to do, but if you have queries which absolutely need differently-ordered index columns, it can make sense to do this. Just don’t expect SQL Server’s missing index DMV to tell you which order they should be in.

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Tips for Reading Execution Plans

Bert Wagner gives us some tips for reading execution plans in SQL Server:

Execution plans show the steps SQL Server takes to execute your query. Each icon in the graphical execution plan is known as an operator, and the most common way to read a plan is by starting with the top right most operator and following the arrows to the left.

When you reach a join or concatenation operator where multiple branches merge into one operator, you can proceed to the right-most operator of one of the lower branches and start the process of reading right to left again. In general, this can be summed up as reading a plan right to left, top to bottom.

Right-to-left, top-to-bottom gives you the flow of information and that’s quite important. To understand how the engine works, though, you also need to read left-to-right, as Brad Schulz’s outstanding one-act play demonstrates.

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The Cost of Abstraction

Erik Darling explains that abstraction can be the cause of performance woes in SQL Server:

There’s no “caching” of steps in a query. If you nest a view however-many-levels-deep, each step isn’t magically materialized.

Same goes for CTEs. If you string a bunch together and reference them multiple times, you’ll start to see some very repetitive branches in your query plans.

Now, there are tricks you can play to get what happens inside of one of these steps “fenced off”, but not to get the result set fully materialized.

It’s a logical separation, not a physical one.

In addition, as your query gets more and more complex, the optimizer eventually gives up and gives you what will likely be an ugly version of its implementation because there are too many potential solutions.

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Getting the Largest Value Per Group

Erik Darling has a series on getting the highest value using CROSS APPLY. Part 1 covers the no-index route:

Let’s say you wanna get the highest thing. That’s easy enough as a concept.

Now let’s say you need to get the highest thing per user. That’s also easy enough to visualize.

There are a bunch of different ways to choose from to write it.

Part 2 covers the yes-index route:

In this round, row number had a tougher time than other ways to express the logic.

It just goes to show you, not every query is created equal in the eyes of the optimizer.

I don’t think I’m spoiling too much by saying that you really want a good index in place when using CROSS APPLY in this manner.

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Table Variables and Parallelism

Erik Darling shows off a neat trick for inserting with parallelism into a table variable:

One of the many current downsides of @table variables is that modifying them inhibits parallelism, which is a problem #temp tables don’t have.

While updating and deleting from @table variables is fairly rare (I’ve seen it, but not too often), you at minimum need an insert to put some data in there.

No matter how big, bad, ugly, or costly your insert statement is, SQL Server can’t parallelize it.

That’s just what he wants you to think and then the trap goes off.

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Collecting the Last Actual Plan for a Query

Gail Shaw explains a new Dynamic Management Function which works to get the latest execution plan for a particular query:

Getting the actual execution plan, that is the plan with run-time statistics for a query from an application has always been a little difficult. It’s fine if you can get the query running in Management Studio and reproducing the behaviour from the app, but that can be difficult.

There’s the query_post_execution_showplan event in Extended Events, but that’s a pretty heavy event and not something that I’d like to run on a busy server.

No more! SQL 2019 adds a new plan-related function to get the last actual plan for a query: sys.dm_exec_query_plan_stats.

Read on to see how to configure this, as well as a demo.

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More Testing of Inline Scalar UDFs

Erik Darling makes a FROIDian slip:

The idea behind FROID is that it removes some restrictions around scalar valued functions.

1. They can be inlined into the query, not run per-row returned
2. They don’t force serial execution, so you can get a parallel plan

If your functions already run pretty quickly over a small  number of rows, and the calling query doesn’t qualify for parallelism, you may not see a remarkable speedup.

Even in that case, Erik argues that you can still get some benefits from SQL Server 2019 bringing those scalar UDFs inline.

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Testing Inline Scalar UDF Performance

Erik Darling whips up a performance test covering scalar UDF changes in SQL Server 2019:

This is a slightly different take on yesterday’s post, which is also a common problem I see in queries today.

Someone wrote a function to figure out if a user is trusted, or has the right permissions, and sticks it in a predicate — it could be a join or where clause.

If you do need to use scalar UDFs, SQL Server 2019 is a big step forward.

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Making Non-SARGable Queries SARGable with an Index

Denis Gobo violates Betteridge’s Law of Headlines:

This question came up the other day from a co-worker, he said he couldn’t change a query but was there a way of making the same query produce a better plan by doing something else perhaps (magic?)

He said his query had a WHERE clause that looked like the following

WHERE RIGHT(SomeColumn,3) = '333'

I then asked if he could change the table, his answer was that he couldn’t mess around with the current columns but he could add a column

Click through to see how Denis was able to solve this problem.

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