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Category: Query Tuning

Physical Operators: Apply and Nested Loops

Paul Whtie takes us through the Apply operator versus a classic nested loop join operator:

The optimizer’s output may contain both apply and nested loops join physical operations. Both are shown in execution plans as a Nested Loops Join operator, but they have different properties:

The Nested Loops Join operator has Outer References. These describe parameter values passed from the outer (upper) side of the join to operators on the inner (lower) side of the join. The value of the each parameter may change on each iteration of the loop. The join predicate is evaluated (given the current parameter values) by one or more operators on the inner side of the join. The join predicate is not evaluated at the join itself.

The Nested Loops Join operator has a Predicate (unless it is a cross join). It does not have any Outer References. The join predicate is always evaluated at the join operator.

And to make things tricky, APPLY can generate either of these. Read the whole thing.

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Contrasting Common Table Expressions and Temp Tables

Brent Ozar has some advice on when to use common table expressions versus temporary tables:

I’d suggest starting with CTEs because they’re easy to write and to read. If you hit a performance wall, try ripping out a CTE and writing it to a temp table, then joining to the temp table.

This is my advice, too. Start with the thing which is easiest for you to develop and maintain. If it suffices for performance, stick with it; otherwise, move to the next-lowest level of complication. Stop when you have good enough performance. This optimizes for one of the most precious resources people rarely think about: developer maintenance time. Developers are pretty expensive, so the more time they spend trying to understand complex code, the less time they’re doing stuff which pushes the business forward.

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Finding High-Variance Memory Grants

Erin Stellato shows how you can use Query Store to track the variance of memory grant requests:

One of the more perplexing problems to troubleshoot in SQL Server can be those related to memory grants. Some queries need more memory than others to execute, based on what operations need to be performed (e.g. sort, hash). SQL Server’s optimizer estimates how much memory is needed, and the query must obtain the memory grant in order to start executing. It holds that grant for the duration of query execution – which means if the optimizer overestimates memory you can run into concurrency issues. If it underestimates memory, then you can see spills in tempdb. Neither is ideal, and when you simply have too many queries asking for more memory than is available to grant, you’ll see RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE waits. There are multiple ways to attack this issue, and one of my new favorite methods is to use Query Store.

Click through for a demonstration.

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Avoiding OR Clauses in Joins

Erik Darling wants you to embrace the power of AND:

I had to write some hand-off training about query tuning when I was starting a new job.

As part of the training, I had to explain why writing “complicated logic” could lead to poor plan choices.

So I did what anyone would do: I found a picture of a pirate, named him Captain Or, and told the story of how he got Oared to death for giving confusing ORders.

Click through for a troublesome query and a few ways of rewriting it to be less troublesome. My goto is typically to rewrite as two statements with a UNION ALL between them if I can.

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Stats IO Oddities

Josh Darnell collects a few cases where SET STATISTICS IO ON doesn’t behave quite as you might expect:

The first one comes from a post on Database Administrators Stack Exchange: STATISTICS IO for parallel index scan

To summarize the situation, the OP had a query that was scanning a clustered index. They were seeing significantly higher numbers reported in the logical reads portion of the STATISTICS IO output when the query ran in parallel vs. serially (with a MAXDOP 1 query hint). There is a demo of this behavior in the post, so I won’t reproduce it here.

There are several interesting cases in here, so check them out.

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Methods for Rewriting SQL Queries

Bert Wagner puts together a list of 12 techniques for tuning SQL queries:

6. DISTINCT with few unique values
Using the DISTINCT operator is not always the fastest way to return the unique values in a dataset. In particular, Paul White uses recursive CTEs to return distinct values on large datasets with relatively few unique values. This is a great example of solving a problem using a very creative solution.

Click through for the full list as well as a video demonstration.

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Self-Joins Versus Key Lookups

Erik Darling takes us through an interesting scenario:

Like most tricks, this has a specific use case, but can be quite effective when you spot it.

I’m going to assume you have a vague understanding of parameter sniffing with stored procedures going into this. If you don’t, the post may not make a lot of sense.

Or, heck, maybe it’ll give you a vague understanding of parameter sniffing in stored procedures.

This was new to me.

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Creating Temp Staging Tables to Avoid Spooling

Bert Wagner shows how you can create your own tables in tempdb to avoid eager or lazy spools:

SQL Server Spool operators are a mixed bag. On one hand, they can negatively impact performance when writing data to disk in tempdb. On the other hand, they allow filtered and transformed result sets to be temporarily staged, making it easier for that data to be reused again during that query execution.

The problem with the latter scenario is that SQL Server doesn’t always decide to use a spool; often it’s happy to re-read (and re-process) the same data repeatedly. When this happens, one option you have is to explicitly create your own temporary staging table that will help SQL Server cache data it needs to reuse.

The other problem with spooling is that the spool doesn’t have indexes and so performance can be awful. When I look at an execution plan, one of my immediate red flags is spooling: if we have that, removing it is one of the first candidates for optimization after the trivial stuff (expected scan/seek behavior, “fat pipes” from excessive row counts, residual I/O, etc.).

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Rewriting Expensive Updates

Erik Darling takes us through an experiment:

Let’s also say that bad query is taking part in a modification.

SET u2.Reputation *= 2
FROM Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
ON CHARINDEX(u.DisplayName, u2.DisplayName) > 0
WHERE u2.Reputation >= 100000;
AND u.Id <> u2.Id;

This query will run for so long that we’ll get sick of waiting for it. It’s really holding up writing this blog post.

Erik rewrites this query a couple of times. Click through to learn what he does and why he does it.

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