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Category: Query Tuning

When SQL Server Sorts Can Rewind

Paul White turns back the hands of time:

Sorts use storage (memory and perhaps disk if they spill) so they do have a facility capable of storing rows between loop iterations. In particular, the sorted output can, in principle, be replayed (rewound).

Still, the short answer to the title question, “Do Sorts Rewind?” is:

Yes, but you won’t see it very often.

Read the whole thing.

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Understanding MERGE Execution Plans

Hugo Kornelis walks us through the most interesting operator:

But first a word of warning. The MERGE statement, introduced in SQL Server 2008 as an easier alternative for “delete / update / insert” logic, turned out to have issues when it was released. And now, in 2020, many of those issues still exist. So I’ll just point you to Aaron Bertrand’s excellent overview, and leave you with the recommendation to be extremely wary before using MERGE in production code.

But here, we are not going to use MERGE in production. We are merely going to set up a simple test and look at how the elements in the execution plan cooperate to produce the expected results. This is interesting even if you never use MERGE, because many of the details explained below can also occur in other execution plans.

Read the whole thing, even if you avoid MERGE like the plague.

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Optimize for Unknown with Inline Table-Valued Functions

Koen Verbeeck hits on a strange case:

Turns out SQL Server used a plan with a hash join in the fast query, and a nested loop in the slow query. Due to SQL Server also wildly using incorrect estimates, the nested loops performs really poorly. Quite similar to parameter sniffing with stored procedures. Erik Darling has written a great article about it: Inline Table Valued Functions: Parameter Snorting.

The thing is, in contrast to scalar functions or multi-statement table-valued functions, the iTVF should have better performance because it will be expanded into the calling query. This way, SQL Server can use “more correct” estimates and create a plan for each different parameter. Well, today was not that day.

Read on for details on how Koen performed troubleshooting and the solution.

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Finding Skew in a Spark DataFrame

Landon Robinson walks us through skew in Spark DataFrames:

Ignoring issues caused by skew can be worth it sometimes, especially if the skew is not too severe, or isn’t worth the time spent for the performance gained. This is particularly true with one-off or ad-hoc analysis that isn’t likely to be repeated, and simply needs to get done.

However, the rest of the time, we need to find out where the skew is occurring, and take steps to dissolve it and get back to processing our big data. This post will show you one way to help find the source of skew in a Spark DataFrame. It won’t delve into the handful of ways to mitigate it (repartitioning, distributing/clustering, isolation, etc) (but our new book will), but this will certainly help pinpoint where the issue may be.

Click through to learn more.

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The Merry-Go-Round Scan

David Fowler covers one of the best ways of optimizing frequent scans of large amounts of data:

As we all know, full table scans can be very expensive, poor old SQL is forced to read every single row in a table (of course that doesn’t always mean that it’s a bad choice for SQL).

Lets assume we’ve got a table scan happening that results in 1,000,000 page reads, that’s quite a bit of work for SQL to do. Now imagine another query comes in and needs to scan the same table, that’s also going to need to do 1,000,000 reads to get the data that it needs. If this table happens to be frequently accessed, this is soon going add up.

There’s a clever solution which tends to work better and better as you have more and more queries scanning the table.

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Finding Indexes Not in Use

Dennes Torres takes us through a few iterations of a query to find indexes not in use:

It doesn’t matter if you are trying to remove indexes for good reasons or just to work around a bad environment, let’s see in more details how to find which indexes doesn’t have enough usage to justify their existance.

First, some basic definitions, without going into many details:

Index Seek: That’s the best and desirable use of the index. It means the index tree is being used to go directly to the records we need.

Index Scan: Not so good as an index seek, so it could be better. However, sometimes even an index scan is good, a non clustered index scan means the pages of that index are smaller an better for a scan than the pages of the clustered index. There are many variations that makes an index scan good, but most times you don’t need to reach this level of analysis, you may reach your objective only analysing index seeks.

Update: When the fields are updated (update/insert/delete) all indexes which contain those fields need to be updated as well. Indexes are a balance: We increase performance on reading and suffer a bit more when writting. The problem is when the writting happens more than the reading.

Read on to see Dennes’s query evolve and bring important information to the table. For example, it’s not just how often a particular index gets used; it’s also how important the queries are which use this index. An index may only run once a month, but if it turns the most important report the CEO cares about from running in 4 hours to running in 4 seconds, you bet that index is staying.

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Eager Spools in SQL Server

Erik Darling describes the concept of eager spooling:

Not only does SQL Server create an index for you, it doesn’t really tell you about it. There’s no loud warning here.

It also throws that index away when the query is done executing. It only exists in tempdb while the query executes, and it’s only available to the query that builds it.

And boy, they sure can take a long time to build.

I enjoy and frequently use Erik’s depiction that an eager spool is SQL Server’s passive-aggressive way of telling you that you need an index.

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Performance Impacts of Computed Columns

Robert Sheldon takes us through a few scenarios:

In this article, I walk you through the process of applying these strategies so you have a better sense of the available options. For the examples, I created four similar tables and populated them with identical data, which comes from the WideWorldImporters sample database. Each table includes the same computed column, with the column persisted in two tables and indexed in two tables, resulting in the following mix:

– The Orders1 table includes a non-persisted computed column.
– The Orders2 table includes a persisted computed column.
– The Orders3 table includes an indexed, non-persisted computed column.
– The Orders4 table includes an indexed, persisted computed column.

For each table, I show you the execution plan that’s generated when querying the computed column. The column’s expression is a relatively simple one, and the data set very small. Even so, this should be enough to demonstrate the principles of creating persistent and indexed computed columns and how they can help address performance-related issues.

Click through for Robert’s results.

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Columnstore Query Patterns

Ed Pollack walks us through some query patterns which do and don’t work very well with columnstore indexes:

Reading data from a highly compressed analytical structure is quite different from the query patterns used on transactional data. By leveraging metadata, data order, segment elimination, and compression, large tables can be quickly read and results returned in seconds (or less!).

Taking this further, read queries against columnstore indexes can be further optimized by simplifying queries and providing the query optimizer with the easiest path to the smallest columnstore scans needed to return results.

This article explores the most efficient ways to read a columnstore index and produce guidelines and best practices for analytics against large columnstore data structures.

Read on for good advice.

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