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Category: Query Tuning

Saying No to NOLOCK

Brent Ozar just says no:

When you put NOLOCK in your query, SQL Server will:

– Read rows twice

– Skip rows altogether

– Show you changes that never actually got committed

– Let your query fail with an error

This is not a bug. This is by design. 

There are reasons why you might want to use NOLOCK, but start with no and you’ll be in better shape.

Also, remember that NOLOCK really means “No, lock!”

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Sargability and Dates

Chad Callihan makes me want to change the title to “Getting Sarge a Date”:

We’ll use the StackOverflow2013 database for this example. Let’s say we want to return the users created in 2013. One way to return this data is to use the YEAR() function to pull out the desired year for our query:

For the reference, check out Chad’s prior post. My expectation is that about 90% of people in the US who are aware of the term pronounce it “Sarge-able” instead of “Sar-guhble” and therefore immediately think of Sergeants.

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Data Types Matter, Even in the Serverless SQL Pool

Jovan Popovic has a public service announcement for us:

The serverless SQL pool is a distributed computing system that executes concurrent queries on a set of distributed compute nodes. Multiple compute nodes are running the parts of a distributed query plan that read the underlying files, join the data sets, group, and aggregate results. Different queries might try to use the same compute nodes to execute the parts of the queries.

The oversized column types like VARCHAR(MAX) might trick the compute node to allocate more resources than is needed. However, the allocation is based on the estimate, but these over-allocated resources will not be used in actual execution because they are not needed. If a compute node needs 100MB to sort the results it will use these 100MB although the query optimizer allocated 4GB of memory for the task on the compute node.

Read the whole thing.

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Paul White has a warning for us:

All that is fairly well-known. The point of this short post is to draw your attention to another side-effect of adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) — the parameter embedding optimization (PEO).

When PEO is used, SQL Server takes the value of any variables and parameters and embeds the runtime values in the query text, pretty much as if you had entered them by hand before compiling. This is often very useful for plan quality, but there is a potential drawback when large object types (LOBs) are in play.

Click through for the explanation and a simple demo.

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When MAX becomes TOP

Forrest McDaniel tries out a few aggregations:

I can’t tell you how tempted I was to call this MAXTOP. Thinking about it still causes stray giggles to bubble up, as I gleefully envision sharing this info with eager young DBAs at a SQL Saturday, then ushering them off to a session on parallelism. Thankfully I’m not that evil.

The real conclusion is that SQL Server is programmed to be very clever. Despite the cleverness though, details matter, and the cleverness often falls short. What’s that warm glow I feel inside? Ah yes, job security.

Definitely worth a read, and Forrest also shares the repro scripts.

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Pokey Performance with EXISTS

Erik Darling reminds us that even good things can go bad:

Look, I really like EXISTS and NOT EXISTS. I do. They solve a lot of problems.

This post isn’t a criticism of them at all, nor do I want you to stop using them. I would encourage you to use them more, probably.

But there’s some stuff you need to be aware of when you use them, whether it’s in control-flow logic, or in queries.

But do read on to see a specific type of issue you can run into with a left semi join.

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Troubleshooting with sp_HumanEvents

Erik Darling shows off sp_HumanEvents:

With shorter procs you can probably just collect actual execution plans and slam F5 like a tall glass of gin at 6am.

But you don’t wanna do that with the larger procs, for a few practical reasons:

– Lots of little queries run quickly, and we don’t care about those

– Navigating through lots of plans in SSMS is tedious

– There’s no differentiation when other procedures, etc. are invoked

– You introduce a lot of overhead retrieving and rendering all those plans

– The full query text might not be captured, which is a limitation in many places

Let’s save the day with sp_HumanEvents, my stored procedure that makes using Extended Events really easy.

Read on to see how this all works.

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Calculating the Adaptive Join Threshold

Paul White breaks out the math books:

One thing I want you to bear in mind throughout this piece is an adaptive join always starts executing as a batch mode hash join. This is true even if the execution plan indicates the adaptive join expects to run as a row mode apply.

Like any hash join, an adaptive join reads all rows available on its build input and copies the required data into a hash table. The batch mode flavour of hash join stores these rows in an optimized format, and partitions them using one or more hash functions. Once the build input has been consumed, the hash table is fully populated and partitioned, ready for the hash join to start checking probe-side rows for matches.

This is the point where an adaptive join makes the decision to proceed with the batch mode hash join or to transition to a row mode apply. If the number of rows in the hash table is less than the threshold value, the join switches to an apply; otherwise, the join continues as a hash join by starting to read rows from the probe input.

Read the whole thing and learn more about the cutoffs for adaptive joins.

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Restrictions for Parallel Insertion

Erik Darling summarizes the main man:

I’d like to start this post off by thanking my co-blogger Joe Obbish for being lazy and not blogging about this when he first ran into it three years ago.

Now that we’re through with pleasantries, let’s talk turkey.

Over in this post, by Arvind Shyamsundar, which I’m sure Microsoft doesn’t consider official documentation since it lacks a GUID in the URL, there’s a list of… things about parallel inserts.

Read on for the summary of limitations.

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