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Category: Query Tuning

Performance Comparing DISTINCT to GROUP BY

Reitse Eskens does a performance comparison:

A few days ago, I heard someone stating that Group By was much quicker than Distinct. Less disk impact, less memory etc.
So, I thought I’d find out if it’s true or not because I found it interesting. I always thought there was no difference. I tested a single small table and found no difference in speed, reads or execution plan. But that’s no real world example. Usually the tables contain a lot of data and are joined to other tables.

Click through for the results of Reitse’s analysis.

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SQL Server 2022 Query Store Hints

Matthew McGiffen takes a hint:

Another neat little feature in SQL Server 2022 is Query Store Hints. This is the ability to apply a query hint through Query Store rather than having to modify existing code or fiddle around with plan guides.

Query hints are a way to influence optimizer behaviour towards generating desired execution plans for a given query. The word “hint” is a bit of a misnomer as usually they mandate what you wish to happen.

Right. They’re ‘hints’ in the way that my wife ‘hints’ that I should take out the garbage.

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SQL Server 2022: Forcing Optimized Plans

Matthew McGiffen wants you to put yourr wallet and your best plans in the bag:

I’ve been reading Bob Ward’s book “SQL Server 2022 Revealed” and one of the new features in Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) jumped out at me. Not because it’s going to rock my world but rather it reminded me of an idea I had when I first started playing with Query Store when it came out.

I thought it would be cool if the execution plans cached in Query Store could be used to populate the plan cache after an instance restart, removing the need for all queries to be recompiled. I even raised a suggestion on Microsoft Connect for it to be considered as a new feature.

Click through to see what Microsoft came up with along these lines.

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AT TIME ZONE Performance and an Alternative

Joe Obbish looks at time zones:

Queries that use the AT TIME ZONE operator may perform worse than desired. For example, Jonathan Kehayias blogged about performance struggles with AT TIME ZONE at One key difference between Jonathan’s opinion and my own is that I enjoy writing these kinds of posts.

Read on for the details and check out some work Joe has done around time zone friendly functions as an alternative to AT TIME ZONE.

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Lessons Learned from Index Tuning

Lee Markum has seven lessons for us:

SQL Server indexing basics are critical to query and server performance. Resources, like CPU and disk, are affected by the indexes that you have, or the ones you’re missing.

In the StackOverflow2013 database we’re going to look at Badges and users. Specifically, I want to start by seeing what badges a user has and when that user received them. Some badges, because of the type of badge it is, can be awarded more than once.

Click through for a demonstration.

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DOP Feedback in SQL Server 2022

Kate Smith points out a new feature in SQL Server 2022:

In SQL Server 2022, we introduced a new feature called DOP feedback. This feature will look at any parallel query and determine if it might perform better with a lower degree of parallelism than currently being used. For example, perhaps 16 threads will perform better than 20 if there are a lot of waits on other threads. It will test out the new degree of parallelism and, either decide that this was a good change and keep the 16 threads, or it will revert to previous levels of parallelism and go back to 20 threads. If the new degree of parallelism is good, then this optimization is persisted inside the query store and will be applied appropriately to a query for future executions. 

Read on for an overview of how it works and what protections are in place to keep it from going completely bonkers. Well, more completely bonkers than what you already have.

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Extended Event Duration Filtering and Looping

Erik Darling notes a problem with time-based filters on operations:

There are six waitfor commands that each pause for 1 second. In between them are queries that finish in milliseconds.

If I watch the event output, eventually, I’ll see this:

Okay, so the stored procedure took more than 5 seconds, but… no individual query took more than 5 seconds.

This happens a lot and I’m not sure there’s a good answer for it.

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Itzik Ben-Gan shows a good use of a pair of new T-SQL functions:

Time-based grouping and aggregation are common in analyzing data using T-SQL—for example, grouping sales orders by year or by week and computing order counts per group. When you apply time-based grouping, you often group the data by expressions that manipulate date and time columns with functions such as YEAR, MONTH, and DATEPART. Such manipulation typically inhibits the optimizer’s ability to rely on index order. Before SQL Server 2022, there was a workaround that enabled relying on index order, but besides being quite ugly, it had its cost, and the tradeoff wasn’t always acceptable.

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Rewriting Tricky Functions in SQL Server

Erik Darling fights dragons:

Far and away, some of the trickiest situations I run into when helping clients is rewriting scalar functions that have WHILE loops in them.

This sort of procedural code is often difficult, but not impossible, to replace with set-based logic.

Erik improves a function in this post, though often, the best way to improve a function is not to play the game at all.

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Checking All Metrics when Query Tuning

Grant Fritchey has some query tuning advice:

Recently, a person asked about the costs differences in an execution plan, referencing them as if they were performance measures. The key to understanding performance is to check every metric. When it comes to execution plans, I’m sure I’ve said this before, so please allow me to repeat myself.

The cost numbers shown in an execution plan, which, barring a recompile, will be the same for an execution plan or an execution plan with runtime metrics (aka, estimated and actual plans), are not measures of performance. They do not represent actual metrics. Instead, they are calculations of a theoretical actual performance measurement. So, you can’t look at two plans, with two costs, and say, “this plan will perform better.” Instead, you can say, “this plan has a lower estimated cost.” To really see performance metrics, you must measure performance.

Read on for the full set of advice.

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