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Category: Query Tuning

Thoughts on NOLOCK

Erik Darling has some thoughts:

And generally, the more NOLOCK hints I see, the more money I know I’m going to make.

It shows me four things right off the bat:

  • The developers need a lot of training
  • The code needs a lot of tuning
  • The indexes need a lot of adjusting
  • There are probably some serious bugs in the software

Perhaps the only other thing that signals just how badly someone needs a lot of help is hearing “we’re an Entity Framework only shop”.


I have to admit, even being a consultant doesn’t soften the pain of walking into a place and seeing people use NOLOCK like they picked up a fresh pallet of it from Costco and need to use it up before it goes bad.

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The READPAST Query Hint

Chad Callihan gives us a hint:

Have you ever heard of the READPAST query hint? I would say it’s kind of a sibling to NOLOCK. With NOLOCK, you’ll get data back faster but risk dirty reads. With READPAST, SQL Server will skip right past locked data altogether. This can either be helpful or, if you don’t know how it’s used, incredibly dangerous.

Read on to see what it does. I’m not sure I’ve ever used READPAST before, but I’m also using read committed snapshot isolation whenever I can, so that would limit the utility of the READPAST hint. I don’t have the visceral disgust with READPAST that I do with NOLOCK, though I suppose the reason for that is just how uncommon the former is, whereas every bad code base I run into is inundated with NOLOCK everywhere.

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Data Type Conversions and Snowflake Performance

Kevin Wilkie is implicit in this whole thing:

One of the ways we can get better at speed is to attempt several slightly different ways that can get you (hopefully) the same data. Some tables work better with one query while some work better with another query.

Let’s work through a scenario in Snowflake and we’ll see which one is faster under “normal” conditions.

Click through for a few query examples and how they end up performing.

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Adaptive Query Execution in Spark 3.0

The Big Data in Real World team talks on-the-fly execution plan changes:

Apache Spark, the popular distributed computing framework, has been widely adopted for processing large-scale data. With the release of Apache Spark 3.0, a groundbreaking feature called Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) was introduced. AQE addresses the limitations of traditional static execution plans by dynamically optimizing query execution based on runtime statistics. In this blog post, we will explore how AQE works and how it significantly improves the performance of Spark applications.

This sounds pretty similar to adaptive query processing in SQL Server, though a look at the Spark documentation shows that there are some practical differences in implementation versus what SQL Server does.

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Cross-Database Query Folding in Power Query

Chris Webb doesn’t want query folding limits:

A few months ago a new option was added to the Sql.Database and Sql.Databases functions in Power Query in Power BI and Excel which allows Power Query queries that combine data from different SQL Server databases to fold. Here’s a simple example showing how to use it.

Read on for the setup and the demonstration. This is pretty nice for cases where you have user data in one database and reference data in another, or you’re trying to join together data from two separate systems.

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T-SQL Query Transformations and Performance

Erik Darling isn’t satisfied with “good enough”:

Query tuning is hard work, especially when queries run for a long time and you have to test various changes trying to get it down to a reasonable runtime.

There are, of course, things you pick up intuitively over time, and figuring out where problems in actual execution plans has gotten easier with operator runtimes.

Beyond basic query tuning intuition comes the really creative stuff. The stuff you’re amazed anyone ever thought of.

Click through for two really interesting examples.

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Performance Differences on a View with a WHERE Clause

Reitse Eskens looks at an oddity:

I was teaching a class and during an interesting discussing an attendee told me that views with a filter took a long time to produce results, even if the result set itself was quite small. I wanted to test this out for myself to see what was happening. I’ll take you along this short journey in this blog. The outcomes have been validated against a SQL 2017, SQL 2019 and SQL 2022 instance.

Click through for an example.

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Query Hints: Ad Hoc vs Query Store

Grant Fritchey sets up a showdown:

I recently presented a session on the Query Store at Data Saturday Rhineland and the question came up: If there’s already a query hint on a query, what happens when you try to force a similar query hint?

Yeah, OK, that is a weird one. I don’t know the answer, but I’m about to find out.

Click through for a very interesting demo. To be honest, I expected the opposite result, so this was surprising.

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