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Category: Power BI

Power Automate and Dataset-Driven Power BI Subscriptions

Dan English follows up on a prior topic:

In the last post I went over using Power Automate to perform a data driven report subscription using a Paginated report referencing an AAS database. The flow referenced an Excel file with the information to make the process data driven and generate 2000 PDF files that could then be emailed to users. In the flow the PDF files were simply placed in a OneDrive folder for testing purposes to validate the flow would run as expected and to review the metrics after the fact to evaluate the impact of running the process.

For the follow up there were two items that I wanted to compare against the original flow

1. Moving the AAS database being referenced to a Power BI dataset hosted in the same capacity as the Paginated report

2. Using a Power BI report instead of a Paginated report

In this post I will cover the first comparison. 

Check out what changes and what stays the same between using Azure Analysis Services and Power BI-hosted datasets.

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Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo add some context:

RELATED is one of the most commonly used DAX functions. You use RELATED when you are scanning a table, and within that row context you want to access rows in related tables. RELATEDTABLE is the companion of RELATED, and it is used to traverse relationships in the opposite direction. When learning DAX, it is easy to get confused and use RELATED when it is not necessary, or to forget about RELATEDTABLE. In this article, we describe the most common uses of the two functions, along with common misperceptions.

Click through to learn more about these two functions.

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Jeffrey Wang continues a series on EVALUATEANDLOG():

Last week, we learned how to interpret the output of the EvaluateAndLog function of scalar expressions. Albeit interesting, the new function would be much less useful if it could only return scalar values. After all, Power BI users can always define a scalar expression as a measure and then study its values in various contexts. The real power of EvaluateAndLog is that it can also wrap around any table expressions, the output of which was much harder to visualize until now.

This function exposes a lot of information, as you can see in the post.

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Type 1 SCDs in Power BI

Soheil Bakhshi grabs some Excel data from SharePoint:

We have a retail company selling products. The company releases the list of products in Excel format, including list price and dealer price, every year. The product list is released on the first day of July when the financial year starts. We have to implement a Power BI solution that keeps the latest product data to analyse the sales transactions. The following image shows the Product list for 2013:

So each year, we receive a similar Excel file to the above image. The files are stored on a SharePoint Online site.

Read on to see how it works. Of course, the data source itself doesn’t affect how you implement slowly-changing dimensions, so the technique Soheil shows applies to a broad number of use cases.

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Getting Status of Power BI Enhanced Refreshes

Chris Webb wants to know the situation, STAT:

So far in this series (see part 1part 2 and part 3) I’ve looked at how you can create a Power Automate custom connector that uses the Power BI Enhanced Refresh API to kick off a dataset refresh. That’s only half the story though: once the refresh has been started you need to know if it has finished and, if so, whether it finished successfully or not. In this post I’ll show how to do this.

Read on to see how.

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Allow Azure AD B2B Users to Access Power BI Reports

Gilbert Quevauvilliers provides access:

I was recently doing some testing and when I went to share a Power BI report with an external (B2B) user I could not initially find out how to do this.

NOTE: I had already created my External (B2B) users, you can follow this guide below if you still need to create the external (B2B) users: Distribute content to external guest users with Azure AD B2B – Power BI | Microsoft Docs

I thought it would be good to share the steps on how I achieved this below.

Read on to see how. Also check out the insightful question in the comments section.

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DAX Studio 3 Released

Marco Russo has an announcement:

DAX Studio 3 was released today.

This new, major version offers a new user interface and user experience, providing a modern look and feel without losing any of the features available in previous versions. On the contrary, in DAX Studio 3, many features that were harder to reach in the past are now more visible and easier to use.

The cost of implementing a complete overhaul for a product’s user interface is typically high, but at the same time, this overhaul does not provide new features compared to previous versions. So why bother about the user interface while the product is free and open-source?

Read on to see what those changes look like.

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DAX EvaluateAndLog()

Chris Webb is excited:

I think this is the most exciting thing to happen in DAX since the introduction of variables. Why? Well we all know that writing DAX can be hard, and part of why it’s hard is that it’s hard to debug.

Read on to see how EvaluateAndLog() makes life easier, as well as a couple links to Jeffrey Wang’s blog for further detail.

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Data-Driven Report Subscriptions with Power Automate

Dan English puts together a workflow:

Being able to do a data driven report subscription with Power BI and Paginated reports is a common request we hear from many customers. Let’s say you want to send a PDF version of a report to each of your store or department managers using a set of parameter values specific to each person. In the Power BI service that is not an option, but using Power Automate you can do this.

In this post I will be using a Paginated report that is referencing data in an Azure Analysis Services database and I will be referencing an Excel file that I have in OneDrive for Business which includes the needed information for the data driven subscription with 2000 records. The Paginated report is in a workspace backed by a Power BI Embedded A-SKU (A4 – equivalent of a P1 SKU) for testing purposes and the AAS tier is an S1 (100 QPU).

Read on to see how.

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Incremental Refresh Parameters in Power BI

Chris Webb continues a series on using Power Automate to call the Power BI Enhanced Refresh API:

If you’ve read part 1 or part 2 of this series you’ll know how you can create a Power Automate custom connector to call the Power BI Enhanced Refresh API and get fine-grained control over your refreshes. In this post I will take a look at the two parameters in the Enhanced Refresh API for datasets that use incremental refresh: applyRefreshPolicy and effectiveDate. They are documented here but, as always, some worked examples are helpful to really understand how they work.

Click through to see how these parameters work.

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