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Category: Power BI

Measuring Query Times in Power BI DirectQuery Mode

Chris Webb breaks out the stopwatch:

If you’re tuning a DirectQuery semantic model in Power BI one of the most important things you need to measure is the total amount of time spent querying your data source(s). Now that the queries Power BI generates to get data from your source can be run in parallel it means you can’t just sum up the durations of the individual queries sent to get the end-to-end duration. The good news is that there are new traces event available in Log Analytics (though not in Profiler at the time of writing) which solves this problem.

Read on to learn more about this event.

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Reducing Power BI Dataset Sizes with Semantic Link

Sandeep Pawar builds some really cool diagnostics:

Semantic Link v0.6 is out and it has many new exciting additions to its growing list of list_* methods. Highlighted are some of the new methods. Install the latest version and check it out.

Some of the existing methods such as list_columns() have an additional parameter extended which returns more column information such as column cardinality, size, encoding and many more column properties. This allows users to get detailed information about the dataset and the columns.

Click through to see how you can get this information not just for a single semantic model, but for all semantic models in a tenant.

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Dynamic Subscriptions in Power BI

Reza Rad sends an e-mail:

If you ever want to have a general report for sales for all countries, and then you want every morning the report to be sent (as PDF or PowerPoint alongside the link to the report) to representatives of each country, the report with the data filtered for their country only, then Dynamic Subscription in Power BI is the feature you need to use. Previously, this was called a Data-Driven Subscription in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). In this article and video, I’ll explain how to use this feature using an example and what you need to know about it.

Click through for the video and blog post.

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Microsoft Fabric and Semantic Models

Kurt Buhler has a choose-your-own-adventure story:

Semantic models are integral to Microsoft Fabric. They use and are used by many of the different workloads. In Fabric, there’s more items that can connect to and consume your model—such as semantic link in notebooks. Because of these new options and tools, your model is exposed to additional types of users who will use it in different ways. As such, it’s important that you make good models that you manage well throughout their entire lifecycle.

Read on for more information and three separate scenarios

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An Overview of DAX Visual Calculations

Teo Lachev takes us through visual calculations in DAX:

Suppose you need a measure that calculates the difference between the product categories in the order they were sorted in the visual. Implementing this as a regular DAX measure is a challenge. Yet, if we had a way to work with the cells in the visual, we can easily find a way to get this to work. Ideally, this would work similar in Excel, but DAX doesn’t know a think about cell references. However, visual calculations do.

As always, Teo gives us a view of the good, the bad, and the ugly with this feature.

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dataConvergeDefinition and DirectQuery Partitions

Chris Webb talks about hybrid tables:

Hybrid tables – tables which contain both Import mode and DirectQuery mode partitions to hold data from different time periods – have been around for a while. They are useful in cases where your historic data doesn’t change but your most recent data changes very frequently and you need to reflect those changes in your reports; you can also have “reverse hybrid tables” where the latest data is in Import mode but your historic data (which may not be queried often but still needs to be available) is in DirectQuery mode. Up to now they had a problem though: even when you were querying data that was in the Import mode partition, Power BI still sent a SQL query to the DirectQuery partition and that could hurt performance. That problem is now solved with the new dataCoverageDefinition property on the DirectQuery partition.

Read on to see what dataCoverageDefinition does.

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Power BI Visual Calculations Now Available

Marc Lelijveld jumps into a new feature:

You might have seen some buzz around already, although the official blog post is not out yet, the February release of Power BI desktop is already available to download. After a month waiting (traditionally, there is no January update) it has some great new features in it! Not only Tabular Model Definition Language is there now, but more towards solution development, we now have Power BI Visual Calculations! It was announced for a while already, the more excited I am that we finally can start exploring Visual Calculations in practice!

Read on to learn what a visual calculation is and why it’s a big deal.

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Programmatic Power BI Datamart Refreshes

Marc Lelijveld looked like he was going to violate Betteridge’s Law of Headlines but ultimately doesn’t:

Last week, I was attending and speaking at the first ever Fabric February, a great in-person conference dedicated to Microsoft Fabric taking place in Oslo – Norway. (I recommend attending future editions of this event!) During the conference, someone walked up to me and asked if I knew a way to programmatically refresh Power BI Datamarts. Cause I shared many PowerShell or API related blog posts in the past, this person (apologies, I don’t remember your name) asked if I knew a way to automate Datamarts as well.

Read on to see what Marc tried along the way.

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Adding Pagination to Bar Charts

Riqo Chaar turns the page:

Good User Experience (UX) design is crucial in enabling stakeholders to maximise the insights that they are able to derive from Power BI reports.  One common challenge of report design is effectively managing and displaying large datasets in bar charts without overwhelming the user. This article will describe the process behind a method that can mitigate this issue: adding pagination to bar chart visuals. This visual will provide the following functionality:

  • A number of categories filter: users can specify how many categories they would like to see per bar chart page
  • A page filter: users can navigate to different pages to see more categories

Click through to see how. I tend to prefer Power BI dashboards be glanceable, so pagination defeat that purpose to some extent. But so does having to scroll through a large list.

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Reading Parquet Metadata in Power Query

Chris Webb taps into the source:

There’s a new M function in Power Query in Power BI that allows you to read the data from a Parquet file: Parquet.Metadata. It’s not documented yet and it’s currently marked as “intended for internal use only” but I’ve been told I can blog about it. Here’s an example of how to use it:

Click through to see what you can get in a Parquet file. This is part of the secret of why the Parquet file format is so fast.

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