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Category: Power BI

Resetting Slices In Power BI With Bookmarks

Reza Rad shows how to use a bookmark to set the default state of a Power BI dashboard and return to it with a single button click:

Using bookmarks for clearing all slicers in Power BI is not a a new function, I have been using it for many months, and advising many people to do it that way. However, I still get a lot of questions in my presentations about how to do that. That is why I ended up writing this post. This post shows you a very quick trick of having a button to clear all slicers, and the magic is all happening with bookmarks. Bookmarks store the state of a Power BI page, and can be used in many scenarios, in this post, I only show you the ability to clear all slicers in a page. To learn more about Power BI; read Power BI book from Rookie to Rock Star.

Click through for an example of how to set this up.

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Marco Russo explains why you might want to use the COMBINEVALUES operator in DAX:

When you import data in a Tabular model, relationships are optimized when they are based on a single column that does not have a high number of unique values. Columns that do have a high number of unique values are known as high cardinality columns. If two tables require two or more columns to define a relationship, it is possible to create a calculated column that concatenates the values of the columns used for the relationship, on both tables. This way, the relationship is based on one single column on each side. However, the resulting calculated column will have a higher cardinality than the original columns, which is not good for performance.

Most of the time, the presence of relationships based on multiple columns suggests that a better denormalization of the model is required to obtain an optimal star schema. Nevertheless, for smaller tables or when it is not possible to apply complex transformations, concatenating columns is the preferred way to obtain the relationships required. When this happens with data loaded in memory, the only concern is the cardinality of the resulting column. However, this is not the main concern in DirectQuery mode.

A calculated column in DirectQuery translates its expression into a native SQL expression. When this is used as a JOIN condition to express the relationship in a Tabular model, this could produce a non-optimal query plan, which could introduce unnecessary slowness in the query execution. For this reason, Microsoft introduced COMBINEVALUES, which is a function expressly designed to optimize relationships based on multiple columns in DirectQuery mode.

Read on for an example.

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Limitations Of Mapping In Power BI

David Stelfox points out a limitation in Power BI and tries to circumvent it with R to some limited effect:

This results in a row per ride and visualises pretty well in SSMS. If you are familiar with the geography of London you can make out the river Thames toward the centre of the image and Regents Park towards the top left:

This could be overlaid on a shape file of London or a map from another provider such as Google Maps or Mapbox.

However, when you try to load the dataset into Power BI, you find that Power BI does not natively support Geography data types. There is an idea you can vote on here to get them supported:

Hit up that idea link if you want to see geography type support within Power BI.

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Connecting To Power BI Report Server Using SSMS

Koen Verbeeck shows how to connect to a Power BI Report Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio:

Sometimes you want to connect to a report server instance using Management Studio, for example to create a new security role or modify an existing one. Recently I tried to log into our newly installed Power BI Report Server (March 2018 edition). I was greeted with the following error:

The Reporting Services instance could not be found.

Read on to see how to solve this problem.

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Exposing Azure Data Lake Store Data With Power BI

Melissa Coates shows how you can use Power BI to access data in Azure Data Lake Store:

What can you query from ADLS?

You can connect to the data stored in Azure Data Lake Store. What you *cannot* connect to currently is the data stored in the Catalog tables/views/stored procedures within Azure Data Lake Analytics (hopefully connectivity to the ADLA Catalog objects from tools other than U-SQL is available soon).

You’re not sending a U-SQL query here. Rather, we’re sending a web API request to an endpoint.

With an ADLS data source, you have to import the data into Power BI Desktop. There is no option for DirectQuery.

In other words, data that you’ve already prepped using U-SQL and want to display to the outside world.  Click through for a demonstration as well as additional helpful information.

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Architecting A Power BI Environment

Reza Rad explains different architectural patterns for a Power BI implementation:

Implementing a Power BI solution is not just about developing reports, creating a data model, or using visuals. Power BI, like any other technologies, can be used in a correct, or incorrect way. Any technology can be used more effective if it harnesses the right architecture. A right architecture can be achieved after a requirement gathering and designing aspects and components of the technology to fit the requirement. In this post, you will learn about some of the most common architectures to use Power BI. You will learn about using Power BI in different architecture guidelines;

  • Sharing architecture

  • Self-service architecture

  • Enterprise architecture

Read on to learn more about these three patterns.

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Finding Invoices Containing A Product

Matt Allington shows how to use Power Query to get details on a top-level item (including all child items) which contains a particular child item:

As you can see in the image below, when a slicer is added to the product table and then you select an item in the slicer, the invoice detail table ONLY shows that single selected product.  But the requirement it to see ALL the items on ALL the invoices that contain that selected product.

Read on, as the solution definitely isn’t trivial.

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SQL Server Disk Space Analysis

Jana Sattainathan has a solution using Powershell, Power BI, and T-SQL to track disk usage across a series of SQL Server instances:

This is just great on its own as I get information shown below. It is basically data like this at the Database/FileGroup/File levels

  • Database/Filegroup/File name

  • Size

  • Free size

  • Max size

  • Free of Max size

  • Size as a percent at the instance level

  • Free size as a percent at the instance level

  • Max size as a percent at the instance level

  • Free of Max size as a percent at the instance level

Read on to see how Jana makes use of this data, as well as where you can get the code.

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Using Crosstabs To Learn About Categorical Variable Relationships

Stacia Varga shows one way of learning about the relationships between categorical variables in Power BI:

A common way to review categorical variable relationships is to create a cross tab, also known as a matrix, to evaluate the counts for each resulting combination.

For example, in my current data set, I can create a matrix to compare the number of players in two teams, say the Knights and the Sharks, by position and by handedness.

In descriptive analytics, I’m not trying to prove anything by looking at these values. I’m just reporting them. (Although I do find it interesting that there is a preponderance of lefties in these two teams.)

In the business world, I might do something similar by placing product categories on rows and customer geography (country or state) on columns.

Stacia also gives her explanation of descriptive analytics, so check that out too.

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Takeaways From Implementing Power BI Embedded

Meagan Longoria has some thoughts after a proof of concept using Power BI Embedded:

After making changes and testing your report, make sure to clear any slicer values before publishing, if you have row-level security on a field shown in a slicer and you leave values selected. The selected values will be shown to users when they view the report. For example, let’s say you have created a row-level security role that can only see Product A, but you can see everything, and you left Product A and Product B selected and deployed the report. A user who views the report next and is a member of that RLS role will see the two selected values in the slicer, even though they can’t see the data for Product B on the page. This may not be a big deal for an internal report. But now imagine this is for clients. You don’t want clients to see other clients in the list. This behavior is consistent in the Power BI web service and isn’t specific to embedding. It’s just important to remember this.

There are plenty of interesting notes here, so check it out if you’re thinking of a Power BI project.

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