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Category: Performance Tuning

Maximizing Availability Group Performance

Jonathan Kehayias has a few tips for improving performance of your Availability Groups:

Since Microsoft first introduced the Always On Availability Groups (AGs) feature in SQL Server 2012, there’s been a lot of interest in using AGs for both high availability and disaster recovery (HADR), as well as for offloading read-only workloads. The combination of the best features for failover clustering, the simplicity of data movement and synchronization from database mirroring, and the ability to offload read-only workloads to secondaries has given businesses a compelling reason to upgrade to leverage AGs.

But, as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and there are several performance implications and considerations you must be aware of to have a successful deployment using AGs. This blog post will explore some of the considerations and look at how to plan, architect, and implement an AG with minimal latency and performance impact on the production workload.

Click through for those tips.

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Speeding Up Power Query with Evaluation Container Memory

Chris Webb notes a new toggle in Power Query:

However if you have just read the docs you may be wondering what these two new registry key settings actually do. In this post I’m only going to talk about one, MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB; I’ll leave ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount for a future post.

At various times in the past I have blogged about how, when you run a Power Query query, the query itself is executed inside a separate process called an evaluation (or mashup) container and how this process has a limit on the amount of memory it can use. Some transformations such as sorting a table, doing a group by, pivoting and unpivoting require an entire table of data to be held in memory and if these operations require more memory than the evaluation container is able to use then it starts paging and query performance gets a lot worse. 

Read on to see where setting the max evaluation working set in memory can help, as well as the caveats that Chris lays out.

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Memory Grants for CHAR vs VARCHAR

Erik Darling has a head-slapping moment:

While working with a client recently, we found that someone, at some point in time, probably during the original migration from Access, had chosen CHAR columns rather than VARCHAR columns.

Okay, fine. How bad could it be?

Bad enough that… A whole bunch of columns that only had a single character in them were stored in CHAR(1000) columns.

I like CHAR…well, to be specific, NCHAR. But only when you’ll need exactly that many characters.

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Speeding Up Azure Data Factory Pipelines

Hiram Fleitas doesn’t have all day to wait for that pipeline to finish:

His issue was pretty much as mentioned on the tile. Our bank’s Azure Data Factory pipeline is running slow moving data from on-prem, we’re copying all tables in a SQL Server database, files from ftp sites and network share drives to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance and to blob storage (our datalake) , do you have some recommendations how to make it go faster? Its around 300GBs and takes over 8 hrs.

So I replied with the following and figured to post it here as it may help others.

Hiram has a video, as well as specific advice to offer.

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Tips for Improving Code Performance in R

Mira Celine Klein continues a series on code performance in R:

This is the second part of our series about code performance in R. It contains a lot of approaches to reduce the time your code needs to run. It’s useful to know those ideas before starting to write new code, but it also helps to optimize existing code.

If you have already written some code you want to speed up, but don’t know which part of it is actually slow, I recommend you to read the first part of this series on profiling. That article also introduces the microbenchmark package which we are going to use to measure code performance in this article.

Let’s start with a seemingly obvious rule, which is however not always easy to follow.

Read on for some tips. H/T R-bloggers.

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When PyODBC fast_executemany Isn’t

Jon Morisi troubleshoots a performance issue:

I recently had a project in which I needed to transfer a 60 GB SQLite database to SQL Server.  After some research I found the sqlite3 and pyodbc modules, and set about scripting connections and insert statements.  

The basic form of my script is to import the modules, setup the database connections, and iterate (via cursor) over the rows of the select statement creating insert statements and executing them.  

The issue here is that this method results in single inserts being sent one at a time yielding less than satisfactory performance.  Inserting 35m+ rows in this fashion takes ~5hrs on my system.

Jon tries out a few different options. It would appear that there is no easy bulk insertion operation with PyODBC.

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Measuring DirectQuery Performance

Chris Webb shows how you can use the Performance analyzer in Power BI to measure DirectQuery performance:

If you have a slow DirectQuery report in Power BI one of the first questions you need to ask is how long the SQL queries that Power BI generates take to run. This is a more complicated question to answer than you might think, though, and in this post I’ll explain why.

I happen to have access to some of the famous New York taxi data in a Snowflake database, and in there is a table with trip data that has 173 million rows that I have a built a Power BI dataset from. The data and the database used are not really important here though – what is important is that it’s DirectQuery and a large-ish amount of data.

Read on for more information on how it all works.

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Troubleshooting Code Performance in R

Mira Celine Klein shows how to benchmark R code performance:

Let’s assume you have written some code, it’s working, it computes the results you need, but it is really slow. If you don’t want to get slowed down in your work, you have no other choice than improving the code’s performance. But how to start? The best approach is to find out where to start optimizing.

It is not always obvious which part of the code makes it so slow, or which of multiple alternatives is fastest. There is the risk to spending a lot of time optimizing the wrong part of the code. Fortunately, there are ways to systematically test how long a computation takes. An easy way is the function system.time. Just wrap your code into this function, and you will (in addition to the actual results of that code) get the time your code took to run.

But that’s not the only route—read on to learn about other techniques as well and see them in action.

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Importing Data from ADLS Gen2 into Power BI

Chris Webb summarizes a significant amount of work:

Over the last few months I’ve written a series of posts looking at different aspects of one question: what is the best way to import data from ADLSgen2 storage into a Power BI dataset? For example, is Parquet really better than CSV? Should you use Azure Synapse Serverless? In this post I’m going to summarise my findings and offer some recommendations – although, as always, I need to stress that these are the conclusions I can draw from my test results and not the absolute, incontrovertible “Microsoft-says” truth so please do your own testing too.

Read on and check it out for yourself.

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Star Schemas and Power BI Go Together

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari explain why star schemas make so much sense for Power BI:

Why should I have products, sales, date and customers as separate tables? Wouldn’t it be better to store everything in a single table named Sales that contains all the information? After all, every query I will ever run will always start from Sales. By storing everything in a single table, I avoid paying the price of relationships at query time, therefore my model will be faster.

There are multiple reasons why a single, large table is not better than a star schema. Here anyway, the focus is strictly on performance. Is it true that a single table is faster than a star schema? After all, we all know that joining two tables is an expensive operation. So it seems reasonable to think that removing the problem of joins ends up in the model being faster. Besides, with the advent of NOSQL and big data, there are so many so-called data lakes holding information within one single table… Isn’t it tempting to use those data sources without any transformation?

Read on to see why this is not the case.

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